List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11373 Stem-cell therapy. biotechnology catastrophic spinal injuries transplanted cardiac cells pancreatic cells bone marrow therapeutic cloning in-vitro fertilization embryonic germ cells hematopoietic cells cell culture embryonic stem cells (ESCs) prostrate cancer diabetes health care stem-cell therapy GMOs dysfunctional cells human diseases neurological diseases Parkinson's disease Lou Gehrig's disease Singapore Bangkok spinal cord injuries

Halos, Saturnia C.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

8030 Sten cell research in India: Emerging scenario and policy concerns. stem cell, India, regulation,

Sharma, Alka

serials asian biotechnology and development review

14168 Step up and step out!: Rice scientist motivates Caraga State University's class of 2019 rice scientist; scholarship; education; SEARCA; CSU serials agriculture magazine

14841 Step-by-step process to mainstream gender in climate-smart agricultural initiatives in Guatemala gender; climate change; role of women; agriculture; mainstreaming; climate-smart agriculture; Guatemala

Acosta, Mariola; Bonilla-Findji, Osana; Howland, Fanny C; Twyman, Jennifer; Gumucio, Tatiana; Martinez- Baron, Deissy; Le Coq, Jean-François


14939 Stephania erecta: A beginner's guide Stephania erecta; potting; pests and diseases

Lastimosa, Amy

serials agriculture magazine

741 Sterility in wheat in subtropical Asia: extent, causes and solutions. Sterility wheat boron fertilizers genetic variability

Rawson, H.M.; Subedi, K.D. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.72

10610 Stern's introductory plant biology. cells tissues roots stems leaves flowers seedw water plant metabolism meiosis molecular biology plant breeding biomes seed plants classification

Bidlack, James E.; Jansky, Shelley H.


16468 Still going bananas: The long road to recovery for the Philippine banana export industry banana; exports; Fusarium wilt; resistant varieties; industry

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

14265 Stingless bees nurture organic agriculture; agroforestry production; stingless bees; farms

Mostoles, Julie Amara J.; Mostoles, Maria Dulce J.


12327 Stochastic modelling of Philippine weather data statistics Climate weather rainfall temperature radiation simulation model disaggregation model stochastic modeling Philippines

Muhammad Nur Aidi
