List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3441 Socioeconomic factors that influence the adoption of small-scale rural fish farming at household level in Zimbabwe Fish farming, Zimbabwe,

Mandima, J.J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

1777 Socioeconomic impacts of mangrove resource overexploitation. mangrove resources fuelwood gathering reforestation

Delorino, R.A.; Gelera, I.E.


1353 Socioeconomic manual for coral reef management. socioeconomic monitoring reconnaissance survey data collection visualization techniques data analysis gender sampling case studies coral reef socioeconomic assessment

Bunce, L.; Townsley, P.; Pomeroy, R.; Pollnac, R.


10085 Socioeconomic report 2006. economy trade investment agribusiness environment natural resources housing construction tourism infrastructure fiscal strength financial sector labor energy power basic needs automated elections peace law education skills development science and technology culture anti-corruption bureaucratic reforms national security foreign policy constitutional reforms information and communication technology entrepreneurship transportation digital infrastructure employment generation knowledge creation purch

12037 Socioeconomic resource and conjugal power structure of selected rural families family resources management rural families

Novero, Evangelina P.


259 Socioeconomic study on peanut production in the Philippines Philippines groundnuts peanut production cropping pattern farm income labor utilization cost and return analysis credit financing extension services farm organization

Huelgas, R.R.; Manuel, P.C.; Gabriel, E.S.

book pcarrd book series no. 90

15759 Socioeconomics of climate change in the Philippines: A literature synthesis (1990-2010) agriculture, forestry; climate change; natural resources; socioeconomic

Sajise, Asa Jose; Sombilla, Mercedita; Ancog, Rico


7929 Sociological study on implementation of animal health plans in organic farming. organic farming, animal health, animal health plans,

Oppermann, Rainer

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

1450 Sociology in the Philippine setting. sociology behavior social class rural communities population growth urban community religion culture deviance conformity

Hunt, Chester L.; Quisumbing, Lourdes R.; Espiritu, Socorro C.; Costello, Michael A.; Lacar, Luis Q.


1448 Sociology of development: Perspectives and issues. development social change theories underdevelopment technology industrialization urbanization church government school

Garcia, Manuel B.
