List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9199 Selection of ectomycorrhizal fungi and tree species for rehabilitation of Cu Mine tailing in the Philippines. Acacia, eucalyptus, ectomycorrhizal fungi, heavy metals, mine tailings,

Aggangan, Nelly S.

serials journal of environmental science and management

6789 Selection of glucose derepression mutants for the improvement of ang-kak production and regulation of pigmentation. monascus sp. glucose repression ang-kak chinese red rice monascus pigment glucoamylase

Kangsadan Boonprab; Poonpilai Suwanarit; Napha Lotong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

1081 Selection of technology for food processing in developing countries technology food processing human nutrition food science agro-based industries sugarcane cassava maize

Bruinsma, Domien H.; Witsenburg, Wouter W.; Wurdenmann, Willem


3428 Selection properties of the baited hooks used in the Cuban longline fishery of Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico Fisheries, serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

827 Selection water-use efficiency in grain legumes Groundnuts Water use Grain Drought stress Drought resistance Grain legumes Carbon isotope Growth rates

Wright, G.C.; Nageswara Rao, R.C. (eds.)

book aciar technical reports no.27

12681 Selection, characterization and infectivity of entomopathogenic fungi against the spider mite Tetranychus kanzawai (Kishida) (Tettranychidae: Acarina. fungi spider mite spider

Yayan Sanjaya


12211 Selectivity of butachlor and pendimethalin in different cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) agronomy butachlor pendimethalin tomato Lycopersicon esculentum cabbage Brassica oleracea Thailand

Charoon Prohmchum


2408 Self-assessment: Participatory dimensions of project monitoring and evaluation. participatory monitoring and evaluation, research and development, participatory approach, participatory impact assessment, book

12298 Self-confidence in farming among members of the future farmers of Thailand (FFT) in selected agricultural colleges: an analysis agricultural education farming Future Farmers of Thailand students agricultural colleges Thailand

Jularat Techapeolert


8334 Self-efficacy development in school principal enhancement programs. principal enhancement programs, principal, self-efficacy, leadership, education, authentic learning,

Albor, Rufo Gil Z.

serials journal of human ecology