List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1517 Secondary farmers of secondary crops? : Women and rootcrop livelihood in the Philippines. Rootcrops livelihood gender roles food security women genetic resource conservation sweet potato cassava production taro production book

8906 Secondary poisoning of captive barn owls, Tyto alba javanica through feeding with rats poisoned with chlorophacinone and bromadiolone. poisoning, Tyto alba, chlorophacinone, bromadiolone,

Hasber Salim

serials journal of oil palm research

8235 Secrets to developing a successful biotechnology industry: Lessons from developing countries. Afirca, alliances, biotechnology, development, strategies,

Konde, Victor

serials asian biotechnology and development review

13622 Sector briefing on climate change impacts and adaptation - Agriculture climate change; adaptation; agriculture; energy; health; transport; urban development; water supply; sanitation book

182 Sector paper on livestock policies livestock agricultural diversification food security livestock production poverty alleviation book adb agriculture department staff paper no.4

2774 Sectoral composition of China's economic growth, poverty reduction and inequality: Development and policy implications for Cambodia. poverty reduction economic growth poverty alleviation industrialization agriculture and rural development

Vathana, Roth

book cdri working paper series no. 68

2235 Sectoral perspectives on sustainable development. sustainable development environmental protection energy agriculture

Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development Programme

book sustainable development series

15114 Securing food for all in Bangladesh agricultural production; food production; food security; technology; poverty; empowerment; gender; women; women's empowerment; rice; irrigation; fertilizers; intervention; water resources; water; seed; seeding; trade; value chains; food prices; onions; cash transfers; social protection; rural areas; violence

Ahmed, Akhter; Islam, Nurul; Mujeri, Mustafa K. (eds.)


15706 Securing rice, reducing poverty: Challenges and policy directions organic farming; farm sustainability; food safety; supply chain; nutrition; rural finance; seed system; property rights; land reform; rice extension; water resources; irrigation development; poverty; securing rice; biotechnology

Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Sebastian, Leocadio S.


16427 Securing the future: Local pili industry needs government protection as PH resumes exports to EU pili nuts; pili industry; export; regulations

Samson, Oliver

serials agriculture magazine