List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7122 Saving the tilapia industry of Lake Sebu. tilapia farming floating cages fishkill wastes excess feeds Lake Sebu South Cotabato

Guerrero, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

339 Saving transitions in Southeast Asia life cycle hypothesis financial policy income growth population change savings

Harrigan, Frank

book adb edrc report series no.64

12265 Savings and investment decisions of farm households: their implications on the demand for funds agricultural economics Savings investment farm households funds

Clar de Jesus, Raquel B.


5015 Sawdust trap boxes make good bait for coconut rhinoceros beetle. Crop husbandry : Trap boxes, rhinoceros beetle, serials agriculture

8922 Sawmilling characteristics of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Denhnh. sawmilling, Eucalyptus camaldulensis,

Alcachupas, Pablito L.

serials forest products research development institute

8929 Sawmilling characteristics of giant Ipli Ipil [Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.]. modified live-sawing, lumber recovery, Ipil-ipil,

Alcachupas, Pablito L.

serials forest products research development institute

8933 Sawmilling characteristics of some industrial tree plantation species (ITPS) thinnings. thinnings, lumber recovery, logs,

Alcachupas. Pablito L.

serials forest products research development institute

15381 SBM in the Aleosan National High School: A decentralized milestone school-based action research; SBM stakeholder feedback; contextualized assessment; drug addiction; domestic terrorism

Tariman, R.T.; Flauta, E.B.; Nitafan, N.

serials journal of southeast asian education

14220 Scaling an EAFM at the sub-regional level: Catalyzing regional and national actions in the Sulu-Sulawesi seascape fisheries management

Pomeroy, Robert; Garces, Len; Pido, Michael; Parks, John; Silvestre, Geronimo

serials fish for the people

15177 Scaling knowledge and innovations for food and nutrition security— Tackling dilemmas and blind spots climate-smart agriculture; agriculture; food security; climate change; Africa; Eastern Africa

Koerner, Jana; Lubberink, Rob; Lammers, Ellen; Winter, Danielle de

weblinks food and business research synthesis study series