ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3425 | Safe use of pesticides in rice-fish culture | Pesticides, Rice, | Kyaw Myint Oo |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
4177 | Safekeeping fungi that protect plants against pests. | fungi, fungal species, plant protection, | serials | agriculture |
2158 | Safer selection and use of pesticides : Integrating risk assessment, monitoring and management of pesticides. | pesticides risk assessment monitoring ELISA integrated pest management risk management | Crossan, Angus N.; Nguyen Thi Thu Trang; Pham Ngoc Ha; Kennedy, Ivan R. (eds.) |
book |
10862 | Safety and choice : Key consumer issues for genetically modified foods. | biotechnology genetic engineering genetically engineered foods allergenicity environmental risks pest resistance | Lefferts, Lisa Y. |
biotech |
14746 | Safety assessment of foods and feeds derived from transgenic crops, Volume 3: Common bean, rice, cowpea and apple compositional considerations | common bean; rice; cowpea; apple; nutrients; constituents; anti-nutrients; toxicants; food; feeds; safety assessment | weblinks |
11184 | Safety assessment of genetically modified foods in Japan. | biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security gene transfer transgenic crops allergenicity | Seichiro Yamane |
biotech |
11177 | Safety assessment of GM crops and foods: Workshop. | biotechnology safety assessment capacity building biosafety policy food safety genetically modified foods food processing cyanogenic glycosides transgenic plants toxicology allergenicity nutritional assessment gene transfer Bt maize insect resistance management weediness | biotech |
11185 | Safety assessment of novel foods in the European Union. | biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security gene transfer transgenic crops allergenicity | Karl Heinz Engel |
biotech |
11188 | Safety assessment of proteins. | biotechnology genetically modified plants : GM Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt food safety toxicity transgenic crops allergenicity protein trypsin recombinant DNA : rDNA | Engel, Karl Heinz |
biotech |
10735 | Safety evaluation of genetically modified foods and animal feed a basis for market introduction. | DNA technology genetically modified foods animal feed foods and feeds transgenic food crops tomatoes potatoes mRNA fingerprinting plant breeding food safety | Kuiper, H.A. |
biotech |