ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3594 | Root growth of paddy rice with application of organic materials as fertilizers in Thailand | Rice, Organic fertilizers, Thailand, | Prasert Songmuang |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6212 | Root plasticity: A crop's lifeline vs. fluctuating soil moisture stress. | roots genotypic differences root plasticity soil moisture stresses | Layaoen, Myriam G. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6631 | Root responses to water deficit under rain-fed lowland rice. | rice rainfed lowland double haploid lines relative water content drought | Soraya Uyprasert; Theerayut Toojinda; Nawarat Udomprasert; Somvong Tragoonrung; Apichart Vanavichit |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3740 | Root-knot nematode: The invisible yield reducer in rice and onion. | nematodes, infestation, Meloidogyne graminicola, worm, crop rotation, | Pablico, Sosimo Ma |
serials | agriculture |
11939 | Root-knot nematodes, Meliodogne spp. associated with crop plants in Thailand. | entomology nematodes Meliodogne crop plants Thailand | Vicha Sukit |
theses |
8878 | Rootcrops can help save rice. | rootcrops, rice, camote, sweet potato, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4850 | Rooting characteristics of Dracaena species as affected by different ANAA concentrations. | Dracaena, rooting characteristics, stem cuttings, ANAA, root initiation, | Bolcio, J.K.O. |
serials | bsu research journal |
12904 | Rooting hormones | auxins liquid formulation talc powder boron | Ong, Ray |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11982 | Rooting studies on black pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) stem cutting | agronomy Rooting black pepper Piper nigrum stem cutting | Tran Van Hoa |
theses |
1812 | Roots and tubers for the 21st century : Trends, projections, and policy options. | roots tubers consumption production pesticides fertilizers water pollution biodiversity biotechnology | Scott, G.J.; Rosegrant, M.W.; Ringler, C. |
book | food, agriculture, and the environment, discussion paper 31 |