ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12299 | Rural poverty and indebtedness: a study in three Thai villages in Nongbua District, Nakhonsawan province | rural sociology Rural poverty Thai villages | Werachai Narkwiboonwong |
theses |
1186 | Rural poverty and poverty programs in the Philippines. | poverty line absolute poverty inequality agricultural productivity poverty alleviation social development programs policies | Quisumbing, Ma. Agnes R.; Cruz, Ma. Concepcion J. |
book | cpds working paper no. 86-01 |
16317 | Rural poverty in Southeast Asia: Issues, policies, and challenges | poverty; MDG; environmental degradation; Southeast Asia | Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Edillon, Rosemarie G.; Piza, Sharon Faye |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
3073 | Rural territorial development: An approach to rural development | development cooperation territory vertical communication networking | book |
8006 | Rural tourism as a chance? Opportunities and limitations for the promotion of rural tourism using the example of a pilot project. | tourism, regional development, rural, funding sheme, pilot project, | Neumeier, Stefan |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
1621 | Rural transformation in Asia and the Pacific | Bangladesh Republic of China Fiji India Indonesia Islamic Republic of Iran Republic of Korea Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Rural transformation income rural economy sustainable agriculture policies | book |
16131 | Rural transformation in the Philippines: A development agenda | rural transformation; agricultural and rural development; Philippines | Custodio, Karen Q.; Sombilla, Mercedita A. |
book |
3424 | Rural women in aquaculture: Bangladesh | women, Bangladesh, | Gupta, M.V. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
12271 | Rural women's participation in farm and non-farm activities in Camalamiugan, Cagayan | extension education women farmers Cagayan | Trinidad, Rosario G. |
theses |
15731 | Rural-urban linkages, strategic alliances, and quality assurances: Emerging responses to current agro-industrial | agribusiness enterprise; rural urban linkages; agro industrial; quality assurance; SMEs; Mindanao | Manalili, Nerlita M. |
book |