ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12816 | Role of women in organic rice production system: A case study in Phoukout district, Xiengkhouang Province, Northern Lao PDR. | women rice production organic rice farming | Khamniem Phongthady |
theses |
3423 | Role of women in small-scale aquaculture development in Southeastern Cambodia | women, aquaculture, Cambodia, | Nandeesha, M.C. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
11943 | Role performance of barrio council members in community development infrastructure projects in the province of Laguna | extension education role performance community development Philippines | Depositario, Willie C. |
theses |
11732 | Role performance of Pathalung agricultural colleges as perceived by its administrators, teachers, and student. | Pathalung Agricultural Colleges administrators teachers students Thailand | Rukkiat Kawchumnong |
theses |
15437 | Roles of social learning for the adoption of climate-smart agriculture innovations: Case study from My Loi Climate-Smart Village, Vietnam | climate-smart agriculture; action learning, climate-smart village; innovations; Vietnam | Tran, Helene; Simelton, Elisabeth; Quinn, Claire |
weblinks | ccafs working paper no. 194 |
16201 | Root and tuber crops: Re-discovered and re-valued: A cross-site perspective | root and tuber crops; food security | Castillo, Gelia T. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
12817 | Root characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) associated with tolerance to flooding. | root formation root porosity Aerenchyma radial oxygen loss flooding greenhouse condition cultivars | Myat Moe Hlaing |
theses |
776 | Root Crop Processing | root crops processing techniques traditional equipment potato yam aroids sweet potato cassava | book | food cycle technology source book no.5 |
2430 | Root crops in the Philippines: Status, potential, and policy issues. | root crops cassava sweet potato cowpea technology assessment credit policies Leyte | Librero, Aida R.; Palomar, Manuel K. (eds.) |
book | book series no. 111/1991 |
7413 | Root Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Rice as Affected by Planting Methods and Green Manures. | root growth, nutrient uptake, green manure, planting method, rice, | Nivat Nabheerong |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |