List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8758 Runoff and soil loss of vegetative fallow and farmland of South-Eastern Nigeria. soil erosion, soil loss, rainfall, vegetation fallows, farmland,

Iwara, A. I.

serials the kasetsart journal

3613 Runoff loadings and chemical forms of soil phosphorous from rivers in Japan during the high flow stages Erosion control, Fisheries, Marine areas, Erosion,

Tanaka, K.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

11712 Runoff prediction model based on soil moisture analysis runoff prediction model soil moisture watersheds Indonesia

Putu Sudira


15791 Rural adaptation to climate change: New findings and existing knowledge climate change; adaptation; agriculture

Huang, Jikun; Wang, Jinxia; Khoi, Dang K.; Plunkett, Herb; Xu, Ying

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

2148 Rural and tribal women in agrobiodiversity conservation : An Indian case study. women gender issues agrobiodiversity conservation measures gene bank community herbarium genetic resources on-farm conservation seed exchange varietal losses book

16307 Rural credit markets in Myanmar: A study of formal and non-formal lenders rural credit markets; credit demand; credit rationing; Myanmar

Kaino, Tomoko

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

1708 Rural development and environmental conservation. rural development environment conservation rural poverty book

2963 Rural development report 2011 : Decentralised approach to rural development and poverty alleviation. rural development poverty decentralization local government book

15105 Rural development report 2021: Transforming food systems for rural prosperity food production; food consumption; food system; rural development weblinks

2870 Rural development: Afro-Asian perspective - Part 1 : Report of the retreat held at Hyderabad, India on 8-11 January 2007. rural development poverty alleviation gender issues women book