List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11052 Safety of genetically modified food and feed : Issues, concerns and assessment. biotechnology DNA technology food safety biosafety intellectual property rights : IPR risk management

Tecson-Mendoza, Evelyn Mae


9385 Sage advice from Davao City's orchid queen. orchid business,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4585 Saging-saging and tabau. Aegiceras corniculatum, Lumnitzera littorea, botanical description, distribution, site requirements, uses, seed technology, plantation establishment, plant diseases, pests of plants, propagation, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

4602 Sago or lumbia palm and tan-ag. Metroxylon sagu, Kleinhovia hospita, reforestation species, botanical description, distribution, uses, morphological characteristics, site requirements, propagation, seed technology, plantation establishment, pests of plants, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

5676 Sago: A wealth leached from the pith. Metroxylon sagu sago palm uses food stabilizers wound dressing sago grater

Dela Cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine

3725 Sakwa meal can replace corn in pigs diet. taro, Xanthosoma sp, feeding value, serials agriculture

12917 Salad Crop and Flower Festival are highlights of BSU's 100th anniversary Benguet State University festival

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

7789 Salad garden for goats. goats, milk yield, indigofera, serials agriculture magazine

622 Saline agriculture for irrigated land in Pakistan: a handbook. climate salinity waterlogging trees saltbush

Qureshi, R.H.; Barrett-Lennard, E.G.

book aciar monograph no. 50

16112 Salinity and drought significantly affect rice production, adopting Good Agricultural Practices is a key solution: Some insights for Mekong River Delta, Vietnam drought; salinity; rice production; Mekong

Ancog, Rico C.; Orencio, Pedcris M.; Labios, Romeo V. ; Nguyen Thi Lang; Gregorio, Glenn B.

serials searca policy brief series 2020-1