List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2158 Safer selection and use of pesticides : Integrating risk assessment, monitoring and management of pesticides. pesticides risk assessment monitoring ELISA integrated pest management risk management

Crossan, Angus N.; Nguyen Thi Thu Trang; Pham Ngoc Ha; Kennedy, Ivan R. (eds.)


10862 Safety and choice : Key consumer issues for genetically modified foods. biotechnology genetic engineering genetically engineered foods allergenicity environmental risks pest resistance

Lefferts, Lisa Y.


14746 Safety assessment of foods and feeds derived from transgenic crops, Volume 3: Common bean, rice, cowpea and apple compositional considerations common bean; rice; cowpea; apple; nutrients; constituents; anti-nutrients; toxicants; food; feeds; safety assessment weblinks

11184 Safety assessment of genetically modified foods in Japan. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security gene transfer transgenic crops allergenicity

Seichiro Yamane


11177 Safety assessment of GM crops and foods: Workshop. biotechnology safety assessment capacity building biosafety policy food safety genetically modified foods food processing cyanogenic glycosides transgenic plants toxicology allergenicity nutritional assessment gene transfer Bt maize insect resistance management weediness biotech

11185 Safety assessment of novel foods in the European Union. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security gene transfer transgenic crops allergenicity

Karl Heinz Engel


11188 Safety assessment of proteins. biotechnology genetically modified plants : GM Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt food safety toxicity transgenic crops allergenicity protein trypsin recombinant DNA : rDNA

Engel, Karl Heinz


10735 Safety evaluation of genetically modified foods and animal feed a basis for market introduction. DNA technology genetically modified foods animal feed foods and feeds transgenic food crops tomatoes potatoes mRNA fingerprinting plant breeding food safety

Kuiper, H.A.


8264 Safety management and inspection of agrochemical residues of food in the trade of export products: A case study of the Taiwan-grown Irwin mango. safety management, inspection, agrochemical, irwin-mango,

Chin-Wen Kao

serials fftc extension bulletin 590

3426 Safety net or debt trap? Ties between marketing and credit in coastal Bangladesh

Blowfield, M.E.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly