List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12271 Rural women's participation in farm and non-farm activities in Camalamiugan, Cagayan extension education women farmers Cagayan

Trinidad, Rosario G.


15731 Rural-urban linkages, strategic alliances, and quality assurances: Emerging responses to current agro-industrial agribusiness enterprise; rural urban linkages; agro industrial; quality assurance; SMEs; Mindanao

Manalili, Nerlita M.


5522 Rx: Fruits and vegetables. garlic, green onion, ginger, malunggay, tomato, ampalaya, kangkong, sweet potato, banaba, duhat, caimito, mango, tsisirika, guava, banana, grapes, medicinal plants,

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

8596 S.C. allows biotechnology group to intervene in BT eggplant case; ban threatens other food security crops. eggplant, crops, food security, biotechnology, serials agriculture magazine

6658 S1 selection in honeycomb design for the improvement of high yield maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds and hybrids. corn hybrid honeycomb S1 selection

Krisda Samphantharak; Rapeepong Yavilads

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4902 Saba banana production. Plant production : Crop husbandry, Musa balbisiana, soil requirement, climatic requirement, land preparation, spacing, plant diseases : crop protection, weeding, desuckering, fertilization, harvesting, production cost, profits, serials agriculture

7110 Sablot: The tree that preserved the old houses. Indian laurel Litsea glutinosa sablot leaves preservation medicinal properties houses

Tacadena, Mancielito S.

serials agriculture magazine

6199 Sadanga farmers see bright prospects in heirloom rice production. rice heirloom rice fertilizer application rice stalks indigenous farming practices Sadanga Mt. Province Cordillera

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

2953 SADC Planning Workshop on Newcastle Disease Control in Village Chickens. chickens poultry livestock diseases vaccines disease control poultry production chicken chicken losses

Mundle, Sudipto; Van Arkadie, Brian


13515 Safe biological products in shrimp farming shrimp farming; probiotics; biodegradable pesticides; biological pesticides; immunostimulants serials agriculture magazine