List of Materials : 16548

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15274 Role of SEAMEO RECSAM in Inclusive and STEM education development STEM education; inclusive education; RECSAM

Khor Sim Suan

serials journal of southeast asian education

4540 Role of sugars in senescence and biosynthesis of ethylene in cut flowers. postharvest technology, vase life, ethylene, respiration, water balance, sugar, cut flowers, mannitol, Delphinium,

Pun, Umed Kumar

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15152 Role of women in developing climate-smart seed systems in the Philippines women; seed system; climate change; value chain; gender-sensitive approach; policy serials policy brief

12816 Role of women in organic rice production system: A case study in Phoukout district, Xiengkhouang Province, Northern Lao PDR. women rice production organic rice farming

Khamniem Phongthady


3423 Role of women in small-scale aquaculture development in Southeastern Cambodia women, aquaculture, Cambodia,

Nandeesha, M.C.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

11943 Role performance of barrio council members in community development infrastructure projects in the province of Laguna extension education role performance community development Philippines

Depositario, Willie C.


11732 Role performance of Pathalung agricultural colleges as perceived by its administrators, teachers, and student. Pathalung Agricultural Colleges administrators teachers students Thailand

Rukkiat Kawchumnong


15437 Roles of social learning for the adoption of climate-smart agriculture innovations: Case study from My Loi Climate-Smart Village, Vietnam climate-smart agriculture; action learning, climate-smart village; innovations; Vietnam

Tran, Helene; Simelton, Elisabeth; Quinn, Claire

weblinks ccafs working paper no. 194

16201 Root and tuber crops: Re-discovered and re-valued: A cross-site perspective root and tuber crops; food security

Castillo, Gelia T.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

12817 Root characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) associated with tolerance to flooding. root formation root porosity Aerenchyma radial oxygen loss flooding greenhouse condition cultivars

Myat Moe Hlaing
