List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1232 The proceedings of the Bangkok international conference on graduate education towards the year 2010 : A multitude commitment to worldwide opportunities in concurrence with the 17th annual meeting of the Board of the Deans of graduate schools in Thailand. Graduate schools Graduate program management postgraduate education multimedia materials information network research centers book

6517 The product design of puffed snacks by using quality function deployment (QFD) and reverse engineering (RE) techniques. food product design puffed snacks quality function deployment reverse engineering

Wiwat Wangcharoen; Tipvanna Ngarmsak; Brian H. Wilkinson

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11566 The production, processing, and evaluation of the nutritive value of the earthworm (Perionyx excavatus) as feed for broilers. nutritive value earthworm Perionyx excavatus feeds broilers Philippines

Ulep, Letty June L.


12703 The productivity of Bali cows at Livestock Breeding Centre of excellence for Bali cattle. cows cattle reproduction rate pre-weaning growth rate weaning weights productivity rate

Tavares, Luis


9841 The professional practices framework. internal auditing performance standards code of ethics standards communications internal assessment external assessment risk assessment monitoring planning purch

9876 The professional practices framework. internal auditing performance standards code of ethics communicating results external assessments risk assessment audit sampling auditor purch

10332 The professional secretary's guidebook. planning organizing filing strategies professional correspondences public relations office automation travel arrangement business meetings meeting coordination technology

Cohen, Cary; Scriven, Donald D.; Scriven, Jolene D.; Kozoll, Charles E.


9115 The profile of essential Amino acid, fatty acid and the growth of Chaetoceros gracelis using different technical media guillard and double walne. Chaetoceros gracilis, culture media, Guillard and double walne, growth, proksimat, fatty acid, essential amino acid,

Vivi Endar Herawati

serials fftc extension bulletin 662

4700 The profitability of bamboo growing. bamboo, uses, propagation, production costs,

Tacio, H.D.

serials agriculture

3404 The programme for integrated development of artisanal fisheries in West Africa

Satai, B.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly