List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7999 The phosphorus fertilizer value of bone char for potatoes, wheat, and onions: first result. phosphorus fertilizer, nutrient utilization, trichoderma harzianum,

Siebers, Nina

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

15667 The phylogenetic studies of Philippine carabao (Bubalus bubalis) and their related wild and domesticated water buffaloes Philippine carabao; Bubalus bubalis; Asian swamp buffaloes; Tamaraw; Anoas; water buffaloes; genetic diversity; mitochondrial DNA D-loop variation; phylogenetic analyses; conservation

Villamor, Lilian P.


6527 The physical properties, fiber morphology and chemical compositions of sweet bamboo (dendrocalamus asper backer). sweet bamboo dendrocalamus asper basic density fiber morphology alpha-cellulose lignin solvent solubility

Suphat Kamthai; Pratuang Puthson

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3797 The physiological effects of different light intensity and color on the growth performance and behavior of broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus. broilers, light intensity, color management,

Policarpio, Juan Feliciano

serials araneta research journal

428 The physiology and biochemistry of seed dormancy and germination germination seed dormancy gibberellins seed germination cytokinins abscisic acid ethylene environmental factors stress seeds metabolic control hormonal regulation protein synthesis book

4644 The pili queen of Bicol. pili, sweets, food, business,

Villafuerte, N.F.

serials agriculture

7112 The pilot is an organic farmer. vermicast vermiculture vermi tea African nightcrawler earthworm farming windmill

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

11527 The planning process in Monorom Agricultural Cooperative Limited (MACL), Monorom district, Chainat province, Thailand. rural development planning process Chainat province Thailand

Preecha Wongsgulgeard


582 The planning stage of on-farm research: Identifying factors of experimentation Planning Evaluation Farming systems

Tripp, Robert; Woolley, Jonathan


3388 The plight of the osfish, or why quantitative sophistication is no substitute for asking the right questions

Johannes, R.E.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly