List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
134 The Philippine Agrarian Reform Program: issues, problems and prospects Philippines Agrarian reform Industrialization land valuation land transfer

Cornista, Luzviminda B.

book iast occasional paper series no.30

194 The Philippine Agricultural Development Plan, 1991-1995 Philippines poverty reduction agriculture policy reforms empowerment programs animal genetic markets grains stabilization rice corn coconut book

1753 The Philippine agriculture and fisheries modernization plan 2001-2004. poverty agricultural growth fisheries rice corn livestock high-value crops book

13848 The Philippine climate almanac, First Edition climate change; climate types; tropical cyclones; typhoons; rainfall; monsoon; Philippines weblinks

8285 The Philippine corn industry in the last 40 years. corn industry, production, fertilizer use, chemicals,

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

10169 The Philippine countryside in figures 2007. population land area municipalities barangays registered voters human development index governance income and expenditures labor and employment prices finance agriculture health education communication tourism infrastructure transportation energy public order justice crime Philippines purch

5031 The Philippine dairy industry today. Dairy producers, market trends, dairy herd, milk quality control, dairy engineering, serials agriculture

2552 The Philippine economy: An emerging Asian tiger. economic conditions Philippines

Estanislao, Jesus P.

book asia and pacific lecture series no. 1

1985 The Philippine economy: Development, policies, and challenges. economic condition economic policy political economy exchange rate public finance agriculture industry services population human resources employment poverty inequality regional development environment natural resources

Balisacan, A.M.; Hill, H. (eds.)


10206 The Philippine environment in the ecozoic age: Principles of environmental science in the Philippine setting. environmental science ecosystems technology agricultural developments economic systems population biodiversity pollution mineral resources hazardous substances

Galang, Angelina P.
