List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11510 The new curriculum: upgrading teachers for its implementation at Banmo Patthananukun secondary school in Thailand. agricultural education Banmo Patthananukun Thailand

Mongkol Pragon


11160 The new food label: check it out!: Public education campaign on the new food label food safety, nutritional requirements, food guide, food label, biotech

7769 The new global methane initiative. methane, greenhouse gas,

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

1179 The new industrial state. industrial system capital employment motivation

Galbraith, J.K.


9949 The new manager's handbook: 24 lessons for mastering your new role : The employee handbook for enhancing corporate performance. leaders feedback performance motivation meetings change employees

Stettner, Morey


5407 The new marine environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China. marine environment, protection, laws, China,

Yongke Jiao

serials tropical coasts

10345 The new national internal revenue code : As amended by the tax reform act of 1997. As amended by the tax reform act of 1997. BIR revenue tax individuals corporations income accounting estates value added tax excise tax penalties statutory offenses stamp tax

Dascil, Rodelio T.


32 The newly industrializing economies of Asia. regional cooperation Thailand Singapore enterprises technology trade patterns

Kulessa, Manfred (ed.)


6006 The next phase in goat business is fattening. goat business price

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8503 The no-sting bee: Good for the environment. bees, pukyutan, Mellifera bees, native ligwan, serials agriculture magazine