List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
192 The medium-term agricultural development plan: key production areas, targets, and programs grains production livestock development fisheries book

10347 The medium-term Philippine development plan 2001-2004 : with 2001 State of the Nation: by Pres. Gloria M. Arroyo. macroeconomic stability agriculture fisheries modernization social equity human development information and communication technology agrarian reform human development governance peace and order natural resources education training health care poverty regional development purch

191 The medium-term Philippine development plan, 1993-1998. Philippines grains production livestock development program commercial crops fisheries management book

9846 The Merriam-Webster dictionary. Dictionary purch

16575 The microeconomics of agricultural development: Risk, institutions, and agricultural policy agricultural development; agricultural policy

Roumasset, James A.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

9840 The microeconomics of income distribution dynamics in East Asia and Latin America. income distribution microeconomics education inequality Indonesia Malaysia Colombia Brazil Mexico Taiwan Buenos Aires

Bourguignon, F.; Ferreira, F.H.; Lustig, N.


5000 The microsporangium and the male gametophyte development in Pittosporum resiniferum Hemls. (Pittosporacea) Pittosporum resiniferum, microsporangium, archesporial cell, exine, generative cell, intine, microgametophyte development, microspore, sperm cell, vegetative cell,

Tolentino, Vivian S.

serials philippine journal of science

980 The milk fat globule: Emulsion science as applied to milk products and comparable foods milk fat crystallization fat emulsion fat dispersion homogenization milk products butter

Mulder, H.; Walstra, P.


13279 The miracle of the seed seed; farming

Barcelona, Arsenio

serials agriculture magazine

4758 The misogynist tradition in selected Philippine poems in English. Misogynist, poems, patriarchal, sex roles, gender,

Morales, N.T.

serials cmu journal of science