List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1026 The Lingayen Gulf coastal area management plan Lingayen Gulf fisheries management coastal zonation livelihood aquaculture development watershed coastal area coastal zonation maguey production peanut production saltmaking seaweed culture oyster farming property management zonation guidelines book iclarm technical report no.32

14433 The literary appropriation of science postmodern narrative; transhumanism; name-play; double bind; incommensurability

Aguinaldo, Dennis Andrew S.

serials up los banos journal

16161 The livelihood vulnerability to climate change of two different farmer communities in Tanggamus Region, Lampung Province, Indonesia climate change; organic rice; vulnerability; Lampung province; Indonesia

Murniati, Ktut; Mulyo, Jangkung H.; Irham; Hartono, Slamet

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

2751 The local governance of common pool resources: The case of irrigation water in Cambodia. irrigation water management governance community-based natural resource management

Chou, Chea

book cdri working paper series no. 47

11007 The magic bullets of medicine. genetic engineering biotechnology

Martin, Marian C.

biotech ahead

858 The major arthropod pests and weeds of agriculture in Southeast Asia: Distribution, Importance and Origin. Arthropods biological control weeds weed control pests

Waterhouse, D.F.

book aciar monograph no.21

14215 The making of a center of excellence in science and technology on inland fisheries management: The SEAFDEC/IFRDMD inland fisheries management; fisheries production; SEAFDEC; IFRDMD

Wibowo, Arif ; Shibuno, Takuro; Sulit, Virgilia T.

serials fish for the people

15213 The making of a manager: What to do when everyone looks to you management; leadership; teams; feedback

Zhuo, Julie


13391 The making of molobicus, the tilapia hybrid tilapia

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

14050 The making of our blue economy blue economy; ocean resources; fisheries; aquaculture; maritime transport; maritime tourism; renewable energy; seabed extraction; marine biotechnology; bioprospecting

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine