List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9051 The impact of the product generation life cycle on knowledge valorization at the pubic private research partnership, the center for biosystems genomi. public private partnership, product generation,

Garbade, P.J.P.

serials njas-wageningen journal of life and sciences

11604 The impact of the rice intensification loans on land productivity, input use and income distribution: the West Java case, Indonesia. agricultural economics rice land productivity income distribution West Java Indonesia

Sakti M.H. Tampubolon


11847 The Impact of the SEAMEO SEARCA Graduate Scholarship Program of Fellows of Selected Institutions in the Philippines public administration SEARCA Scholarship Program Fellows Institutions Philippines

Cedicol, Editha C.


2540 The impact of trade liberalization and industrial pollution: Empirical evidence from Vietnam. free trade manufacturing industries factory and trade waste pollutants trade reforms trade liberalization industrial pollution sensitivity analysis Vietnam

Pham Thai Hung; Bui Anh Tuan; Nguyen The Chinh

book research report no. 2008-rr5

12311 The impact of transmigration on indigenous people: the case of Lik-trans. Roviga Central Sulawesi, Indonesia development management transmigration indigenous people Lik-trans Indonesia

Ismet Khaeruddin


1886 The impact of water on the poor : Summary of an impact evaluation study of selected ADB water supply and sanitation projects. water water supply sanitation poverty water conservation financial assistance projects book water for all, series 9

2542 The impacts of coal mining on the economy and environment of South Kalimantan Province. coal mines and mining coal trade public opinion coal industry environmental impacts economic development Indonesia

Luthfi Fatah

book research report no. 2007-rr2

12261 The impacts of coastal tourism in Maribago, Lapulapu City environmental studies coastal tourism Lapulapu city coastal tourism Lapulapu City tourism

Martinez, Ophelia Y.


3341 The impacts of El Nino on Philippine fisheries El Nino, fisheries,

Guerrero III, R.D.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

12378 The impacts of Riam Kanan irrigation project to product and farm income in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. agricultural economics Riam Kana Irrigation project farm income Indonesia : South Kalimantan

Imelda Octaviani Utami
