ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16583 | The future of Laguna de Bay | lake; siltation; water hyacinths; solar farm; community involvement; LLDA; Laguna de Bay | Ocampo, Junep |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8901 | The future of oil palm as a major global crop: Opportunities and challenges. | oil palm, oil yield, genomics, breeding, | Murphy, Dennis J. |
serials | journal of oil palm research |
14317 | The future of Philippine agriculture under a changing climate - Policies, investments and scenarios | agriculture; environmental aspects; climate change; alternative agriculture; climate change adaptation; sustainability; land cover; forestry; water resources; gender; mitigation; risk management; coping strategies; investments; policies; Philippines; | book |
2177 | The future of the Sierra Madre : Responding to social and ecological changes : Proceedings of the fifth international conference on environment and development. | tree growing smallholder tree growing rural development environmental conservation rehabilitation indigenous tree species forests bioremediation of drinking water reforestation tree farming systems livelihoods degraded grasslands land use forestry certification wood industry home garden systems cacao production sustainable development social change indigenous people indigenous rights crocodile conservation logging local governments environmental governance higher education forestry education geographical information system poverty reduction Sri Lanka Philippines Netherlands Malaysia Bohol Luzon Cagayan Valley Mindanao Mt. Malindang Bukidnon Palawan Benguet Dudukuhan Higaonon Batak Ikalahan Bugkalot Agta | van der Ploeg, Jan; Masipiqueña, Andres B. (eds.) |
book |
11790 | The FYDP (Foundation for Youth Development in the Philippines, Inc.) regular program as implemented by the education centers | Foundation for Youth Development in the Philippines, Inc. education Philippines | Bullo, Porferio G. |
theses |
228 | The GATT, agriculture, and the developing countries | GATT tariffs food security Uruguay round trade liberalization price stability domestic price horticultural exports | Nurul Islam; Valdes, A. (eds.) |
book |
2937 | The GCARD Road Map : Transforming Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) Systems for Global Impact. | agricultural research for development Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development agricultural knowledge agricultural innovation | book |
4804 | The GCRMN - Coordinating coral reef monitoring efforts for effective management. | coral reefs, monitoring, network, | Tun, K. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
195 | The general contractor end of project report 1991 | market development economic policy market information system planning and program development rapid marketing appraisal | book |
3288 | The genetic improvement of farmed tilapias (GIFT) project: The story so far | Pullin, R.S.V. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |