List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1643 The European social model: Lessons for developing countries. childhood income job security health care insurance pensions old age care

Lindbeck, Assar

book erd working paper series no.11

3802 The European social model: Lessons for developing countries. social policies income job security insurance health care pensions

Lindbeck, Assar

serials asian development review

11190 The European Union's novel foods - regulation. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMO substantially equivalent novel foods Bt maize polymerase chain reaction : PCR

Engel, Karl Heinz


12546 The evaluation of the implementation of IPM-FFS rice cultivation season September to December 2006 in Pare III Sub Village, Sidorejo Village ... farmer field school integrated pest management field farmer school (IPM-FFS) rice production income paddy Indonesia evaluation

Joao Boavida da Cruz


9909 The everything project management book. project management project team leadership budget schedule monitoring software technologies risk management conflict resolution motivational skills contingency plan project evaluation negotiating

Mintzer, Rich


14672 The evolution of Indonesia’s participation in global value chains economic data; economics; industry and trade; value chains; export; Indonesia weblinks

13597 The evolution of Indonesian waste banks: Two tales, two cities, one reality waste banks

Geldin, Sam

serials tropical resources

9650 The Evolution of Lowland Rainfed Rice Based Farming Systems Towards Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Focus on Nueva Ecija, Philippines. rainfed lowland rice farming system agroecosystem crop improvement water resources irrigation system sustainable agriculture rural development Nueva Ecija cd

1145 The evolution of social forestry in the Philippines: Lessons learned and some questions asked deforestation population social forestry Philippines

Sajise, Percy E.


14383 The evolution of the treatment of agriculture in preferential trade agreements agricultural trade; regional trade agreements

Lipponen, Clara Thompson; Greenville, Jared

weblinks agriculture and fisheries papers no. 126