List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11763 The effect of ethephon on the physio-chemical changes during the ripening of 'Chanee' durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) harvested at different maturity stages horticulture physio-chemical durian Durio zibethinus

Sripan Cheyglinted


14618 The effect of evaporation suppressant on standing water in the ricefield and on the growth and yield performance of lowland rice evaporation suppressant; water saving technology; lowland rice production

Ballaran, Rhuelyn A.; dela Cruz, Jim; Victoria, Nerilyn J.; Ballaran Jr., Vicente G.; Dorado, Moises A.; Peralta, Milagros M.

serials philippine journal of agricultural and biosystems engineering

7995 The effect of feed composition and feeding strategies on excretion rates in German pig production. pigs, feed, phase feeding, production cycles, excretion, methane, volatile solids, nitrogen,

Dammgen, Ulrich

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

15333 The effect of flushing ration with different fatty acid profiles on the reproductive performance of Etawwa-grade does and their offspring survivals linolenic acid; embryo; Ettawa-grade goat; flushing; survival

Prasetyo Nugroho


7638 The effect of germination on GABA content, chemical composition, total phenolics content and antioxidant capacity of Thai waxy paddy rice. germination, GABA, malted rice, antioxidant, paddy rice,

Suchada Maisont

serials the kasetsart journal

3197 The effect of growth hormone extracts from coconut water on the growth of reflasked dendrobium photocorms Coconut, growth hormones, coconut water, dendrobium photocorms, tissue culture,

Mamaril, J.C.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

11636 The effect of growth regulators, nutrition and media on growth of mangosteen seedling horticulture growth media nutrition mangosteen seedling Indonesia

Muhammad Amin Ishak


4994 The effect of heating on the physicochemical characteristics of rice bran oil rice, bran, heating, extraction, chemicophysical properties, saponification value, iodine value, acid value, peroxide value, fatty acid,

S. Dewi Indrasari

serials indonesian journal of agricultural science

11549 The effect of Indonesian selective cutting (TPI) on the structure and regeneration of lowland tropical. selective cutting regeneration lowland tropical dipterocarp forests East Kalimantan Indonesia

Djoko Marsono


12000 The effect of insecticides, species diversity and nitrogen fertilizer on insect infestation and yield of cotton agronomy insecticides species diversity nitrogen fertilizer insect infestation yield cotton

Villamayor, Federico G, Jr.
