ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
171 | The economics and prospects of agro-industrial development in Southeast Asia | Philippines Singapore Thailand Indonesia Malaysia agro-industrial development economic policies macro-economic policy investment marketing rural development foreign investment incentives agricultural processing capital formation | Librero, Aida R.; Villegas, P.M. (eds.) |
book |
10259 | The economics of climate change in Southeast Asia: A regional review. | climate change impacts economic development social development land use natural resources water resources agriculture forestry coastal and marine resources human health agroforestry livestock management manure management grassland management peatland management mitigation energy | purch |
2714 | The economics of environmental management in Vietnam. | environmental issues soil erosion soil conservation land use systems pollution control fish production dairy cattle farming wastewater management paper-making plants trade liberalization water services cultural heritage | Bui Dung The; Francisco, Hermina A. (eds.) |
book |
12535 | The economics of groundwater use for irrigated rice in selected municipalities of Pulangui River basin, Cotabato Province, Philippines. | irrigated rice groundwater groundwater recharge groundwater supply water discharge cost of pumping Philippines | Gomez, Norma U. |
theses |
12771 | The economics of onion storage in Kinh Mon Distric, Hai Duong province, Vietnam. | onion industry storage price patterns social-economic characteristics onion traders marketing practices profit | Tran Thi Thuong |
theses |
11667 | The economics of Pla Sawai (Pangasius sutchi Fowler) production under integrated pig-fish system in Pathumthani Province, Thailand. | economics Pla Sawai Pangasius sutchi pig-fish system Pathumthani Province Thailand | Yothin Leenanond |
theses |
11991 | The economics of production and carcass characteristics of hogs fed two energy levels and raised to five different slaughter weights | animal science carcass characteristics hogs slaughter weights | Salayog, Freddie A. |
theses |
1999 | The economics of soil conservation in selected ASIALAND management of sloping lands network sites. | soil conservation technologies benefit-cost analysis soil loss soil erosion sedimentation policies sensitivity analysis Malaysia Philippines Thailand | Francisco, H.A. |
book | issues in sustainable land management no. 5 |
1405 | The economics of soil erosion and the choice of land use systems by upland farmers in Central Vietnam. | soil conservation soil erosion land use soil loss | Bui Dung The |
book | eepsea research reports 2001-rr15 |
22 | The economy today. | macroeconomics international trade product markets supply and demand income unemployment national debt International finance international trade | Schiller, Bradley R. (ed.) |
book |