ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1028 | The coastal environmental profile of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines | Philippines coastal zone natural resources coral resources natural stresses forest resources mineral resources capture fisheries marine landings exploited resources aquaculture pollution marine pollutants laws policies coastal resources management | McManus, L.T.; Chua, Thia-Eng (eds.) |
book | iclarm technical reports no.22 |
1022 | The coastal environmental profile of South Johore, Malaysia | Malaysia fisheries coastal ecosystems soils waters resources population ethnic composition migration coral reefs tourism aquaculture land use | book | iclarm technical reports no.24 |
1027 | The coastal resources management plan for South Johore, Malaysia | sustainable development fisheries planning legal issues mangrove forests coastal forests coastal erosion sand mining water quality land use aquaculture tourism development marine protected areas | book |
415 | The coastal resources of Brunei Darussalam: status, utilization and management | capture fisheries mangrove resources artificial habitats reef water quality benthos composition island management zonation Brunei Darussalam | Silvestre, G.; Hj. Matdanan Hj. Jaafar; Pg. Sharifuddin Pg. Hj. Yusof; De Silva, M.W.R.N.; Chua Thia-Eng (eds.) |
book | iclarm conference proceedings 34 |
2186 | The coconut odyssey : The bounteous possibilities of the tree of life. | coconut evolution diversity varieties drought tolerance seed husk seedling flowering fruit nursery plant diseases weeds humidity harvesting coconut oil coconut shell coconut milk coconut sap kernel log obesity | Foale, Mike |
book |
10597 | The coconut oil miracle. | coconut oil fats heart disease weight medicine skin hair germs health recipes | Fife, Bruce |
purch |
3884 | The coconut palm and its fruit : Excerpts from coconut as food. | Coconut meat coconut water copra dessicated coconut oil milling | Banzon, Julian A. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
12941 | The coconut tree: From sunset to sunrise industry | coconut oil virgin coconut oil (VCO) VCO benefits coconut processing plants sunrise industry coconut farming | Pamplona, Pablito P. |
serials |
8963 | The coffee lover. | coffee Robusta | Gonzalez, Milagros B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14775 | The cold chain for agri-food products in ASEAN | cold chain; agriculture; food value chain; trade; policies; ASEAN; Vietnam; Thailand; Indonesia; Lao PDR; Myanmar | weblinks | eria research project fy2018 no.11 |