ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9854 | The big book of drawing and painting. | drawing oil pastel watercolor drawing painting brush-stroke color ranges | Cerver, F.A. (ed.) |
purch |
10726 | The BIO-EARN Program: An African regional effort in biotechnology and biosafety. | policy biosafety food security capacity building biotechnology risk assessment GMOs transgenic crops | Mugoya, Charles F. |
biotech |
10861 | The bio-patent revolution : encouraging creation of living inventions. | biotechnology poverty intellectual property rights technology transfer genetic engineering genetically engineered products | Wegner, Harold C. |
biotech |
6752 | The bioassay of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculums on cassava plant in greenhouse. | bioassay vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi cassava | Thongchai Mala |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
1491 | The biochemistry of fruits and their products. | Avocado pear banana citrus fruits grape melons mango olive persimmon pineapple soft fruits stone fruits pome fruits tomato fruit juices freezing preservation radiation treatments fruit processing dehydrated fruit canned fruits | Hulme, A.C. (ed.) |
book | food science and technology: a series of monographs |
3342 | The biodiversity issue takes to the water | Ogden, J.; Done, T.; Salvat, B. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
905 | The biological control of plant diseases : Proceedings of the International Seminar "Biological Control of Plant Diseases and Virus Vectros" held in Tsukuba, Japan, September 17-21, 1990. | plant diseases biological control plant pathogens weeds soilborne diseases virus vectors | book | fftc book series no.42 |
875 | The biology and control of weeds in sugarcane | Cuba Australia Taiwan Fiji Brazil Argentina Mauritius Jamaica South Africa weeds sugarcane weed control herbicides intercropping rotational cropping chemical weed control | Peng, S.Y. |
book | developments in crop science (4) |
9354 | The biology and processing of "Talangka" in Camarines Sur. | river crab crab fat Euryhaline species biokos | Guerrero, Rafael D. III |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12218 | The biology, ecology and natural enemies of the leafminer, Aproaerema | entomology biology ecology natural enemies leafminer Aproaerema modicella Lepidoptera Gelechiidae groundnut Arachis hypogaea Thailand | Songyot Phisitkul |
theses |