List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16310 The ecological and economic aspects of the multifunctional role of agroecosystems agroecosystems; multifunctional agriculture

Sajise, Percy E.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

4954 The ecology of forest fires. Forest fires, El niño, biodiversity,

Dawson, Terence P.

serials asean biodiversity

1811 The economic and environmental impacts of the waste paper trade and recycling in India : A material balance approach. paper cycle waste paper

van Beukering, P.; Duraiappah, A.

book creed working paper series no. 10

10801 The economic effects of genetically modified orphan commodities : Projections for sweetpotato in Kenya. transgenic crops biotechnology sweet potato biosafety Kenya

Qaim, M.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 13

14373 The economic effects of public stockholding policies for rice in Asia public stockholding; rice; impacts; policies; modelling weblinks

11730 The economic impact of the Toili transmigration project in Indonesia economic impact Toili transmigration project Indonesia

Mochammad Maksum


8613 The economic transformation of a Muslim community through oil palm farming. palm oil, Muslim community,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

2854 The economic valuation of alternative uses of mangrove forests in Sri Lanka. mangrove forests valuation carbon sequestration biodiversity erosion control storm protection biodiversity maintenance recreation benefits book

13026 The economic value of agrometeorological information in climate change adaptation in Vietnam adaptation strategies climate change adaptation regression analysis contingent valuation method meteorological information

Trinh Quang Thoai


789 The economic viability of true potato seed (TPS) in Indonesia Solanum tuberosum Seed production Seed industry Potatoes Economic sectors Pesticide Fertilizer Storage losses Indonesia

Chilver, A.S.; Koswara, A.; Rachmanunddin, D.

book social science department working paper series no.1994-1