List of Materials : 16321

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11790 The FYDP (Foundation for Youth Development in the Philippines, Inc.) regular program as implemented by the education centers Foundation for Youth Development in the Philippines, Inc. education Philippines

Bullo, Porferio G.


228 The GATT, agriculture, and the developing countries GATT tariffs food security Uruguay round trade liberalization price stability domestic price horticultural exports

Nurul Islam; Valdes, A. (eds.)


2937 The GCARD Road Map : Transforming Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) Systems for Global Impact. agricultural research for development Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development agricultural knowledge agricultural innovation book

4804 The GCRMN - Coordinating coral reef monitoring efforts for effective management. coral reefs, monitoring, network,

Tun, K.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

195 The general contractor end of project report 1991 market development economic policy market information system planning and program development rapid marketing appraisal book

3288 The genetic improvement of farmed tilapias (GIFT) project: The story so far

Pullin, R.S.V.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

424 The genus aspergillus Aspergillus pathogenicity cultivation morphology classification

Raper, Kenneth B.; Fennell, Dorothy I.


1827 The giant clam: an anatomical and histological atlas. clam shell Ctenidia labial palps adductor muscle byssal organ digestive system haemolymph system kidney gonads nervous system hyaline organs statocysts heart zooxanthellal tube system

Norton, J.H.; Jones, G.W.


1049 The giant clam: an ocean culture manual clams clam culture markets economics diseases pests predators juveniles

Calumpong, Hilconida P. (ed.)

book aciar monograph no.16

13340 The gift of growing seeds; GrowKit

Arevalo, Arielina P.

serials agriculture magazine