List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11474 The debate on establishing a biobank in Taiwan. biobank leftover tissue human rights biotechnology bioethics Taiwan biomedical research

Michael Cheng-tek Tai

biotech asian biotechnology and development review

10924 The debate on genetically modified organisms : Relevance for the South. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs environmental protection food safety intellectual property agricultural research policy terminator technology hybridization herbicide tolerance

Tripp, Robert

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

12391 The demand for medium and long term credit in the Philippines. agricultural economics demand long term credit medium term credit

Vergara, Severino B.


8257 The design of a mathematics problem using real-life context for young children. design, mathematics problem, real-life,

Lu Pien Cheng

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

11208 The developing world simply can't afford to do without agricultural biotechnology. biotechnology food production genetically modified foods biosafety

Pinstrup-Andersen, Per


5411 The development and implementation of Australia's Oceans policy. oceans, policies, Australia,

Wescott, Geoff

serials tropical coasts

6761 The development and survival of fruit in relation with plant structure of field-grown cotton. cotton Gossypium hirsutum plant structure phenology and fruit abscission

Yves Crozat; Vincent Judais; Anna Saimaneerat; Poonpipope Kasemsap

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5409 The development of a coastal zone management policy for Malaysia. coastal zone management, policies, protection, Malaysia,

Mohd Nizam bin Basiron

serials tropical coasts

9111 The development of organic agriculture technology and its application in Korea. dissemination, Korea, organic agriculture, product, technology,

Byung-Mo Lee

serials fftc extension bulletin 660

13921 The development of regulatory management systems in East Asia - Country studies regulatory coherence; regulatory policy; regulatory management systems; Australia; Japan; Korea; New Zealand; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam; Malaysia; Singapore book eria research project fy2015 no. 04