List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1650 The Doha agenda and development: A view from the Uruguay Round. trade liberalization market access import restrictions intellectual property rights WTO

Finger, J. Michael

book erd working paper series no.21

2880 The double burden of malnutrition in Asia: Causes, consequences, and solutions. malnutrition nutrition interventions

Gillespie, Stuart; Haddad, Lawrence J.


3248 The durability of different fish cage materials and the pros and cons of cage rotation Fish cages,

Christensen, M.S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

16240 The dynamics and potentials of Asian agro-food marketing marketing dynamics; agro-food marketing

Sulaiman, Jamalludin

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

2524 The dynamics of housing demand in the Philippines: Income and lifecycle effects. housing policy housing market housing consumption housing improvement income Philippines

Ballesteros, Marife M.

book pids research paper series no. 2002-01

1468 The dynamics of mass communication. mass media communication process print media newspaper industry magazine industry book industry radio industry record industry television industry motion picture industry film industry advertising industry regulations feedback systems

Dominick, J.R.


6072 The early bird advantage. corn early planting drought

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

4179 The earthworms of the Ifugao rice terraces. earthworms, pests,

Guerrero, R.D. III

serials agriculture

16310 The ecological and economic aspects of the multifunctional role of agroecosystems agroecosystems; multifunctional agriculture

Sajise, Percy E.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

4954 The ecology of forest fires. Forest fires, El niño, biodiversity,

Dawson, Terence P.

serials asean biodiversity