ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1650 | The Doha agenda and development: A view from the Uruguay Round. | trade liberalization market access import restrictions intellectual property rights WTO | Finger, J. Michael |
book | erd working paper series no.21 |
2880 | The double burden of malnutrition in Asia: Causes, consequences, and solutions. | malnutrition nutrition interventions | Gillespie, Stuart; Haddad, Lawrence J. |
book |
3248 | The durability of different fish cage materials and the pros and cons of cage rotation | Fish cages, | Christensen, M.S. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
16240 | The dynamics and potentials of Asian agro-food marketing | marketing dynamics; agro-food marketing | Sulaiman, Jamalludin |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
2524 | The dynamics of housing demand in the Philippines: Income and lifecycle effects. | housing policy housing market housing consumption housing improvement income Philippines | Ballesteros, Marife M. |
book | pids research paper series no. 2002-01 |
1468 | The dynamics of mass communication. | mass media communication process print media newspaper industry magazine industry book industry radio industry record industry television industry motion picture industry film industry advertising industry regulations feedback systems | Dominick, J.R. |
book |
6072 | The early bird advantage. | corn early planting drought | Nieves, Allan C. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4179 | The earthworms of the Ifugao rice terraces. | earthworms, pests, | Guerrero, R.D. III |
serials | agriculture |
16310 | The ecological and economic aspects of the multifunctional role of agroecosystems | agroecosystems; multifunctional agriculture | Sajise, Percy E.; Sajise, Asa Jose U. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
4954 | The ecology of forest fires. | Forest fires, El niño, biodiversity, | Dawson, Terence P. |
serials | asean biodiversity |