List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11610 The effectiveness of comic strip and audio cassette as instructional media among fifth grade pupils in Thailand. agricultural education audio cassette instructional media pupils Thailand

Saisamorn Srisukphrasert


15376 The effectiveness of ICT-based phonetic drills: A Basis for the audiovisual learning design for indigenous students in Southern Philippines ICT-based phonetic drills; pronunciation skills; indigenous students

Markines, M.T.

serials journal of southeast asian education

11651 The effectiveness of information mapping compared with the conventional paragraph in communicating technical information. development communication Philippines

Stuart, Teresa H.


3257 The effects of aquaculture on farm household economy: a case study in Omon district, Cantho province, Vietnam

Le Xuan Sinh

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15016 The effects of chronic social defeat stress on solid gastric emptying and defecation in C57BL/6J mice anxiety-like behavior; social interaction

Moriya, Naoko; Yamagishi, Naoko; Goto, Tatsuhiko; Otabi, Hikari; Nira-Kimoto, Hiromi; Toyoda, Atsushi; Suzuki, Chise

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

12358 The effects of climatic variations on peat swamp forest condition and peat combustibility. forestry swamp forest climatic variations peat combustibility

Lailan Syaufina


12330 The effects of different density level and rations on the productivity of three species of domesticated local crickets. animal science Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer Gryllus mitratus Burn Gryllus testaceus Walk

Priyantini Widiyaningrum


6596 The effects of edible coating ingredient as a barrier to moisture and fat of fried breaded potato. edible films deep fat frying potato moisture content fat content

Worapong Usawakesmanee; Phaisan Wuttijumnong; Manjeet S. Chinnan; Anuvat Jangchud; Nongnuch Raksakulthai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11988 The effects of feeding low and high levels of energy on milk production of dairy cattle under Philippine conditions animal science Animal feeding milk production dairy cattle

Le Trong Trung


12055 The effects of harvesting age on the fiber qualities of different kenaf varieties agronomy harvesting age fiber qualities kenaf

Chalerm Thavornnanth
