List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1272 The environment program: Recent achievements and a new agenda for the poor. environment poverty policy Central Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Pacific biodiversity conservation water resources cleaner production disasters forest management book

11058 The environmental impact of agricultural biotechnology. agricultural biotechnology environmental impact farming systems cross pollination genetically modified crops herbicide tolerance weed management sugarbeet oilseed rape maize environmental safety transgenic crops biodiversity monoculture biotech agricultural biotechnology in europe (abe)

2754 The environmental impacts of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement for countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. trade environment pollution book cdri working paper series no. 41

4762 The environmental risk assessment (ERA) model : Its validity in assessing the impacts of vehicular pollution on human health in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. environmental risk assessment ecological stress environmental response air quality Philippines

Magallanes, J.M.

serials cmu journal of science

12254 The epidemiology and bacteriology of leptospiral infection in two selected cattle farms in Peninsular Malaysia animal science epidemiology bacteriology leptospiral antibodies cattle Peninsular Malaysia

Kumlung Chumponbunchorn


10370 The essence of information systems. information systems business strategy planning framework information technology

Edwards, Chris; Ward, John; Bytheway, Andy


9603 The Establishment of SEAMEO Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Educational Personnel (QITEP) in Science. SEAMEO QITEP quality improvement of teachers educational personnel science teachers environmental education earth and space science science laboratory management ICT-base science learning capacity building networking cd

7313 The Estimation of the Economic Protein Requirement of Hybrid Clarias Catfish. hybrid clarias catfish economic protein requirement

Wimol Jantrarotai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

10620 The ethical dilemma. ethics organizations

Garber, Peter R.

purch hr skill series

7728 The EU and ASEAN learning from the failed EU-Mercosur FTA negotiations. European Union Mercosur free trade agreements

Robles, Alfredo C. Jr.

serials asean economic bulletin