List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13321 The fortune in sweet corn sweet fortune sweet corn; yield

Arevalo, Arielina P.

serials agriculture magazine

10382 The fundamentals of figure drawing: A complete course for artists of all abilities. drawing composition figures sketches

Barber, Barrington


4796 The future for fish in the food and livelihoods of the poor in Asia. AsiaFish Model, projections, consumption, production,

Briones, M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

8268 The future is hybrid. hybrids, yields, mobile phone, text message, serials agriculture magazine

7287 The future is in agriculture. agriculture farming AgriNurture Inc. Best Choice Harvest business investment

Magkilat, Bernie C.

serials agriculture magazine

9367 The future is in high-value cooperative farming. honeydew, Jade Lady honeydew,

Barcelona, Julius

serials agriculture magazine

66 The future of Asia in the world economy. Asian growth wages world trade markets investment employment Singapore India

Foy, Colm; Harrigan, Francis; O'Connor, David (eds.)


15441 The future of food and agriculture – Drivers and triggers for transformation agrifood systems; population dynamics; economic growth; conflicts; impact assessment; poverty; food prices; innovation; investment; food consumption; consumer behaviour; environmental degradation; epidemics; climate change adaptation; sustainable agriculture; resilience; food security weblinks the future of food and agriculture, no. 3.

13737 The future of food and agriculture – Trends and challenges population growth; urbanization; global economic growth; investment; trade; food prices; natural resources; climate change; agricultural productivity; innovation; transboundary pests and diseases; conflicts; crises; natural disasters; poverty; inequality; food insecurity; nutrition; health; structural change; employment; migration; agriculture; food systems; food losses and waste; governance; food and nutrition security; development finance weblinks

13872 The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges population growth; urbanization; global economic growth; investment; trade; food prices; natural resources; climate change; agricultural productivity; innovation; transboundary pests and diseases; conflicts; crises; natural disasters; poverty; inequality; food insecurity; nutrition; health; structural change; employment; migration; agriculture; food systems; food losses and waste; governance; food and nutrition security; development finance book