List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2683 The human face of S&T interventions. textile technologies small and medium enterprises fibers sericulture natural dyes Philippine silk Yakan

Delfin, Rita G.; Miguel, Arvi P.


2011 The human genome: Perspectives and applications. human genome cloning DNA forensics human rights genetic testing law human genetics legal implications ethical implications social implications

Padilla, C.D.; Ocampo, P.S.; Kintanar, Q. (eds.)

book nast monograph series 4

11541 The human resource development of the national manpower and youth council for Muslims in Region IX Philippines. human resources resource development manpower youth council Muslims Region IX Philippines

Redoble, Tomasito G.


11331 The hunt for food-borne diseases. food-borne diseases diarrhea Escherichia coli food poisoning Listeria Campylobacter typhoid fever Salmonella thypimirium health safety food safety DNA nucleic acid pathogenic micro-organism biotechnology bacterial pathogens polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Paredes, Joel C.

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

9749 The Hybrid RIce Collection. HR5 food production breeding methodologies biotechnology seed production cd

5333 The hydrogen production from biomass. climate change, carbon sequestration, hydrogen, biological hydrogen, thermo-chemical hydrogen production,

Muñoz, J.J.O.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

5157 The identification and utilization of eight Philippine major commercial forest vines for the handicraft industry. forest vines, identification, utilization, Agelaea borneensis, Arcangelisia flava, Dicranopteris linearis, Ichnocarpus frutescens, Lygodium circinnatum, Merremia peltata, Pericampylus glaucus, Stenochlaena palustris,

Escobin, R.P.

serials fprdi journal

5154 The identification and utilization of five Philippine medicinal trees. medicinal trees, identification, utilization, Cordia dichotoma, Lagestroemia speciosa, Pittosporum pentandrum, Streblus asper, Vitex negundo,

Escobin, R.P.

serials fprdi journal

5929 The Ifugao honey. honey bees Ifugao

Dait Jr., Juan B.

serials agriculture magazine

1261 The impact of agricultural production on the environment : Proceedings of the International Seminar, 17-20 December 1987, Chiang Mai, Thailand. agricultural development agricultural production watershed management environmental conservation conservation farming practices organic wastes agroforestry mangrove aquaculture

