List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12177 The information rich and the information poor: two faces of the information age in a developing country. development communication information information age developing country

Flor, Alexander G.


16602 The innovation revolution in agriculture: A roadmap to value creation value creation; business model; agricultural innovation; open innovation; design thinking

Campos, Hugo (Ed.)


1029 The integrated management plan for Segara Anakan-Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia coastal resources coastal area management zonation pollution resource exploitation water quality sediment infilling environmental quality book iclarm technical report no.34

12796 The integration of regional rice markets in the Philippines. market integration co-integration methods rice industry price transmission Granger causality price trend rice markets price seasonality

Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy


11921 The integration of rice farmers into Barrio associations in the UPLBCA/SEARCA Social Laboratory at Pila, Laguna agricultural education rice farmers Barrio associations Social Laboratory Laguna Philippines

Cajigal, Belgrano T.


12349 The integration of the sustainable agriculture philosophy in the bachelor of science in agriculture of ACAP member institutions. agricultural education ACAP sustainable agriculture

Cubelo, Edwin C.


11269 The intellectual and technical property components of pro-Vitamin A rice (golden rice) : A preliminary freedom-to-operate review. biotechnology vitamin A golden rice intellectual property risk management

Kryder, R. David; Kowalski, Stanley P.; Krattiger, Anatole F.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 20

9903 The intellectual property code (R.A. No. 8293) patents patent application licensing industrial design trademarks copyright moral rights inventions original works cancellation of patents purch

8062 The intensity of discord in science learning among Malaysian high school students. science, Malaysian students,

Idros, Sharifah Norhaidah S.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

12046 The interaction of fiber type, resin solid and wax content on the quality of multifunctional fiber-overlaid plywood wood science and technology fibers resin wax content plywood

Chalerm Mahittikul
