List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3779 The many uses of nipa. Nypa fruticans, leaves, shingles, toddy, vegetative pith, serials agriculture

7187 The many uses of sargassum. Sargassum seaweeds carotenoids fucoxanthin fucoidan

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

5387 The marine electronic highway in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore : An innovative project for the management of highly congested and confined waters. An innovative project for the management of highly congested and confined waters. information technology, maritime safety technologies, environmental management systems, environmental protection, shipping industry,

Sekimizu, Koji

serials tropical coasts

4914 The marine reserve of Apo Island pays off. Marine reserves : Nature conservation, coral reef fisheries,

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture

3358 The marine stewardship council: New hope for marine fisheries

Sutton, M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

5590 The matrix - plant and fungal. endophytes fungi trichoderma serials agriculture magazine

7512 The Maximum Carbohydrate from Raw Broken Rice to Lipid Ratio in Hybrid Clarias Catfish Diet. hybrid clarias catfish, broken rice, carbohydrate to lipid ratios,

Wimol Jantrarotai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

2561 The McGraw-Hill guide to starting your own business: a step-by-step blueprint for the first-time entrepreneur. business management entrepreneurial qualities customers business plan market product-service strategy promotional strategy capital requirement profit planning loan franchise financial statement

Harper, Stephen C.


3989 The meat inspection service in Taiwan. meat inspection, livestock, poultry, meat inspectors, HACCP, sanitation standards, Taiwan,

Shian-Jyue Du

serials fftc extension bulletin 517

1273 The media in the service of human rights and development : Proceedings of the 14th international colloquium of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Tunis, 20-22 September 1981. mass communication media book