List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9873 The PC doctor's fix-it-yourself guide. computers; files; upgrading; safe computing; power supply; motherboard; RAM; CPU; BIOS; drives; storage devices; monitors; graphics adapters; expansion cards; networking; connections; input devices; software; backup; internet

Kingsley-Hughes, A.W.


1418 The peopling of Lantapan. Population distribution population growth land resources

Paunlagui, M.M.; Sumingit, V.

book working paper no. 00-03

12138 The performance of agricultural education program of CHED-Supervised colleges and its implication to modernizing agriculture agricultural education modernizing agriculture colleges

Genturo, Noel C.


16409 The performance of global forest governance: Three contrasting perspectives forest management; governance; economic impact; livelihoods; political economics

Arts, B.; Brockhaus, M.; Giessen, L.; McDermott, C.L.


12354 The performance of irrigation system on rice farming in the irrigation area of Gadungan-Lambuk Tabanan regency. agricultural economics rice farming irrigation system Gadungan : Lumbuk Indonesia performance

I Wayan Budiasa


12176 The performance of purebred American Brahman and its crosses in South Cotabato, Philippines animal science American Brahman cattle South Cotabato

Sabutan, Manuel G.


3386 The Peruvian anchoveta, Charles Darwin and us

Pauly, D.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

16540 The pest called credit insecurity: Case studies on agricultural credit programs for smallholder farmers in five Asian countries agricultural credit programs; smallholder farmers; maize smallholder farmers; rice farmers; Asia book

10810 The phaeosphaeria leaf spot. maize Phaeosphaeria maydis leaf spot Helminthosporium turcicum epidemiology genetic resistance etiology

Casela, Carlos Roberto

biotech isaaa briefs no. 9

15207 The phenomena of distressed tweets from Philippine college students COVID-19; distressed tweets; intervention programme

Sagnit, Fortune Josephine E.

serials journal of southeast asian education