List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2700 The Philippine strategy on climate change adaptation 2010-2022. climate change adaptation poverty reduction knowledge management gender mainstreaming environment fishery agriculture energy health infrastructure book

7800 The Philippine's rising corn giant. corn farming, Central Mindanao, postharvest losses, postharvest processing,

Subaba, Jett Molech G.

serials agriculture magazine

11329 The Philippines as Asia's agri-trade center. biotechnology food security Bt corn DNA GMOs Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) poultry viral disease Asia Batangas Bacolod Nueva Ecija Pampanga Bulacan animal diseases beef and beef products Bovine Spongiform Encephatology

Salvador, Roja

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

11108 The Philippines Executive Order no. 247. Prescribing guidelines and establishing a regulatory framework for the prospecting of biological and genetic resources, their by-products and derivatives for scientific and commercial purposes; and ot biosafety genetic resources technology transfer intellectual property rights biotechnology biodiversity biological resources byproduct policies biotech

809 The Philippines Recommends for Abaca cultivars abaca Musa textilis nee Manila hemp soil climate weed control cash cropping marketing harvesting disease control book

2909 The Philippines recommends for agroforestry. agroforestry systems planning and development policies regulations support services sloping agricultural land technology rice terraces coconut book pcarrd philippines recommends series no. 59-a

999 The Philippines recommends for animal health care animal health animal diseases hygiene sanitation disease control parasite control deworming vaccination medication first aide Philippines book pcarrd technical bulletin series no.65

2437 The Philippines recommends for bamboo production. bamboo propagation nursery techniques plantation establishment maintenance fertilization harvesting plantation establishment site selection planting materials seedlings culm cuttings branch cuttings sire selection policies book pcarrd philippines recommends series no. 53-c

2913 The Philippines recommends for bamboo. bamboo planting stock production harvesting ornamental bamboo engineered bamboo products furniture briquettes charcoal light distillate protection preservation book pcarrd philippines recommends series no. 53-c

978 The Philippines recommends for beef cattle production Philippines beef cattle selection animal production animal nutrition animal breeding animal diseases parasites cattle raising reproduction nutrition herd management production facilities health management marketing economics book pcarrd philippines recommends series no.9-b/1994