ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2446 | The Philippines recommends for pork production. | swine swine industry population trends supply utilization live hog production pork production selection breeding breeds feed processing feed additives biosecurity measures reproduction nutrition housing waste management herd management herd health management vaccination marketing cost and return analysis | book | philippines recommends series no. 13-d |
2800 | The Philippines recommends for reforestation, tree farming, and plantation development. | seed technology nursery development and management plantation development tree improvement forest biotechnology harvesting economic rotation marketing laws policies | Tree Farming and Plantation Development Technical Committee |
book | philippines recommends series no. 94/2008 |
908 | The Philippines Recommends for Rubber 1976 | rubber nursery management pest control disease control rubber processing marketing quality control intercropping | book |
982 | The Philippines recommends for sheep raising | sheep animal housing fencing animal breeding reproduction animal health slaughtering marketing Philippines | book | pcarrd technical bulletin series no.69 |
2933 | The Philippines recommends for soil diagnosis and amelioration. | lowland soils characteristics upland soils characteristics soil fertility cropping system diagnostic techniques minus-one element technique soil chemical analysis soil quality diagnosis amelioration strategies soil analysis effects feeds feeding disease prevention bacterial diseases marketing farm record keeping cost and return analysis | book | pcaarrd philippines recommends series no. 93 |
657 | The Philippines recommends for soil fertility management | soil fertility management soil physicochemical properties plant growth fertilizer organic fertilizer inorganic fertilizer soil conditioners lime requirements acidic soils soils macronutrients micronutrients inoculants | book | philippines recommends series no.36-c |
2912 | The Philippines recommends for soil fertility management. | Philippine soils soil fertility fertilizer lime requirements acidic soils plant growth regulator micronutrients microbial inoculants organic fertilizer inorganic fertilizer soil conditioner fertilizer management | book | philippines recommends series no. 36-d |
2447 | The Philippines recommends for sugarcane. | sugarcane sugar industry botany physiology varieties climatic adaptation land preparation planting cultivation weed management soils liming fertilization irrigation drainage diseases pests harvesting ratoon postharvest handling sugar processing | book | philippines recommends series no. 88 |
637 | The Philippines recommends for sustainable small ruminant-coconut production system | Sheep Goats Ewes Animal husbandry Sexual maturity Feed crops Feeding management Breeding practices Pastures Fattening Coconuts Marketing | book | pcarrd philippines recommends series no.77 |
2801 | The Philippines recommends for sustainable use of monkeys. | monkeys species transport techniques feeding nutrient requirements animal diseases breeding habits policies conservation measures cost-benefit analysis | Technical Committee on Sustainable Use of Monkeys |
book | philippines recommends series no. 79 |