List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8686 The real dirt on biosolids as soil amendments. biosolids, soil,

Perry, Ann

serials agriculture magazine

8089 The reality and the construct validity of scores on the attitudes toward problem solving scale. solving scale,

Zakaria, Effandi

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

9589 The Regional Seminar on Higher Education in Southeast Asian Countries : A Current Update. SEAMEO RIHED higher education education information and development education planning and management cd

3979 The regulatory framework for genetically modified agricultural products in Korea. genetically modified organisms, biosafety, living modified organisms, risk assessment, imports, labeling standards,

Taesan Kim

serials fftc extension bulletin 527

8187 The relationship between attitudes towards science of year-1 SMA students in Pontianak Indonesia. attitudes, science, Indonesia,

Renie, Leonie J.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

3412 The relationship between catch and effort and its effect on predicted yields of sardine fisheries in Lake Kariba Fisheries,

Marshall, B.E.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

7650 The relationship between environmental factors during the rainy season and un-opened floret yellowing in Dendrobium Sonia 'Ear-Sakul'. Dendrobium, flower bud, wilting, dropping, light intensity, rainfall, temperature, relative humidity,

Vimolchat Sarntinoranont

serials the kasetsart journal

11852 The relationship of anatomical features to the permeability of Kaatoan Bangkal (Anthocephalus chinensis Rich Ex Walp) wood science and technology Kaatoan Bangkal Anthocephalus chinensis trees

Elyazar Manuhuwa


4793 The relationship of shell dimensions and shell volume to live weight and soft tissue weight in the mangrove clam, Polymesoda erosa (Solander, 1786). shells, shell dimension, volume, live weight, bivalve, Polymesoda erosa,

Gimin, R.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

7472 The Relationship of Water Stress-induced Proline Accumulation and Yield of Corn. water stress, proline accumulation, yield, corn,

Nawarat Udomprasert

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science