List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11253 The Johannesburg declaration on sustainable development. sustainable development biotech

9762 The Journal of Interdisciplinary Networks. discipline scope science and technology engineering social science information technology business administration economics public administration cd

15752 The journey and beyond : SEARCA’s experiences in sustainable agriculture and community-based natural resources management natural resource management; sustainable production systems; lowland agroecosystems; coastal ecosystems; IJRDP; Naujan Lake Project

Garcia, Arnulfo G.; Madid, Cassiophiea M.


9351 The joy of urban farming in Quezon City. urban farming, non-governmental organizations,

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

13596 The jumbo problem of living with elephants: Varying perspectives on human-elephant conflict in Chobe District, Botswana elephant; human

Garvin, Samantha

serials tropical resources

5775 The key to the success of Taiwan agriculture. agriculture technologies technology transfer organizational support cooperatives grower-factory contract method specialized production areas government support Taiwan

Villareal, Ruben L.

serials agriculture magazine

10456 The kitchen Pro Series: Poultry identification, fabrication, utilization. poultry chicken duck goose turkey game birds poultry nutrition eggs recipes

Schneller, Thomas


8697 The knife fish scourge of Laguna de Bay. knife fish, Chitala chitala,

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

10138 The labor code of the Philippines : (As amended by Republic Acts Nos. 6715, 6725, 6727, 7641 and 7655) and its implementing rules and regulations. (As amended by Republic Acts Nos. 6715, 6725, 6727, 7641 and 7655) and its implementing rules and regulations. labor rules and regulations pre-employment human resources development employment health safety social welfare labor relations compensations

Foz, Vicente B. (ed.)


10399 The labor code of the Philippines and its implementing rules and regulations. labor rules and regulations employment labor relations wages unfair labor practices benefits social welfare benefits penalties medicare post-employment trade union labor organization

Fox, Vicente B. (ed.)
