List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10547 The global warming reader: A century of writing about climate change. global warming carbonic acid carbon dioxide climate change agriculture

McKibben, Bill (ed.)


5650 The goat craze is on. goats breeds milk meat price profit enterprises

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

10978 The golden rice - 24 karats or less?. golden rice genetically modified : GM biotechnology genetically engineered plants food safety malnutrition transgenic plant carotene metabolism herbicide resistance biotech organic matters

6331 The good guys in the cornfield. corn insects biological pest control parasitoids

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

16678 The good pirate - PhilMech completes field trial of biological pest control agent Xylocoris flavipes; warehouse pirate bug; biological pest control; grain storage facilities; grain preservation; insect pests; NFA

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

7770 The good thing about early hybrids. corn, rainfed areas,

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

2000 The governance of ecology: Struggles and insights in environmental statesmanship. governance statesmanship politics ecological governance environment indigenous people communities globalization protected areas

Ramos, V.O.


10017 The government's strategic vision for the agricultural sector. agricultural growth policies economic profile food security poverty rural infrastructure agriculture renewable natural resources agricultural diversification agricultural credit trade policies land population purch

1318 The Grab Bag: Supplementary methods for assessing human well-being. forest management stakeholder identification Pebble Distribution Method

Pierce Colfer, Carol J.; et al.

book 6 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series

10398 The grammar book: An ESL / EFL teacher's course. grammar tenses passive voice adjectives prepositions adverbials complementation conditional sentences logical connectors negation coordinating conjunction relative clauses phrasal verbs imperatives modal auxiliaries partitives collectives

Celce-Murcia, Marianne; Larsen-Freeman, Diane
