ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3275 | The fisheries of the organization of Eastern Caribbean States | Murray, P.A. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
13540 | The fisheries of Tonle Sap, Cambodia | fisheries; lake; Tonle Sap; Cambodia | Guerrero, Rafael D. III |
serials | agriculture magazine |
16211 | The fishery potential of freshwater gobies in Mandulog River, Northern Mindanao, Philippines | freshwater gobies; abundance; fishery; Mandulog River | Vedra, Sonnie A.; Ocampo, Pablo P. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
14994 | The fishing closure policy in the Visayan Sea: Impacts and issues | overfishing; degradation; income; fishers; traders; processors; closed fishing season policy; Philippines | serials | policy brief, feb 2020 |
6211 | The fishpens and cages of Laguna de Bay. | fishpens Laguna Lake pollution lakes | Guerrero III, Rafael D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9251 | The flat bed paddy dryer: A potential rice postharvest game-changer. | paddy dryer flat bed dryers Maligaya Flatbed Dryer downdraft Rice Hull Furnace Belonio gasifier FBPD dispersal program rice hull fuel postharvest industry | Bautista, Gene C. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5949 | The flowering and fruiting of some reforestation species in Mount Makiling and Mount Banahaw. | reforestation species forest tree species | Rojo, Justo P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10349 | The food and agriculture centennial book: 100 years of Philippine agriculture. | agricultural industries food infrastructure coconut sugar banana exports pineapple fruits vegetables tree crops abaca tobacco poultry livestock aquaculture seaweeds forestry wheat flour milling food packaging irrigation farm mechanization fertilizers pesticides shipping agricultural credit research and development | Dy, Rolando T. (ed.) |
purch |
6711 | The food color extraction from gardenia fruit (Gardenia jasminodes Ellisforma var gardiflora Makino): the appropriate extraction conditions. | fruits color gardenia color appropriate extraction | Siwaporn Siwawej; Auchareeya Jarayapun |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6528 | The forest regeneration after gregarious flowering of bamboo (cephalostachyum pergracile) at Mae Klong watershed research station, Kanchanaburi. | gregarious flowering recovery bamboo forest fire forest regeneration mixed deciduous forest | Dokrak Marod; Veerasak Neumrat; Samroeng Panuthai; Tanaka Hiroshi; Pongsak Sahunalu |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |