List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7505 The Elevation of Levels of Amyloplastic alpha-1,4-Glucan Phosphorylase Protein in Cultured Cells of Acer pseudoplatanus during Sucrose Starvation. amyloplast alpha-1 4-glucan phosphorylase sucrose starvation

Poontariga Harinasut

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

340 The emerging global trading environment and developing Asia labor standards trade policy Uruguay Round intellectual property rights

Arvind Panagariya; Quibria, M.G.; Narhari Rao

book adb economic staff paper no.55

11326 The emerging job provider. food security biotechnology Ernest and Young Canada Europe modern biotechnology GMOs genetically modified foods genetically modified crops antibiotic resistant genes Pinoy GMOs biodegradable plastics employment generators biopesticides biopolymers food production super weeds

Escartin, Joe


16177 The enabling environment for inclusive agribusiness in Southeast Asia agribusiness policy; Southeast Asia

Teng, Paul S.; Oliveros, Jurise A.P.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

9845 The end of poverty: How we can make it happen in our lifetime. poverty economic prosperity clinical economics inflation market reforms Bolivia Poland Russia China India United Nations

Sachs, Jeffrey


812 The energy cane alternative sugarcane energy crops biomass seedbed preparation weed control postharvest management breeding crop monitoring

Alexander, Alex G.

book sugar series, 6

13237 The energy cost of Cambodian lowland and rice grown under different establishment methods rice production; upland rice; lowland rice; floating rice; transplanting; no-till rice cropping; energy; fertilizers; chemical pesticides; machinery; irrigation; transportation; Cambodia

Sem Savuth


13345 The engineer is also a farmer farm; oyster mushroom; organic farming; rabbits

Veneracion, Angie M.

serials agriculture magazine

5852 The engineer-pioneer of the samar-leyte mariculture park. mariculture park aquaculture submersible cages milkfish fish culture system fish cages

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

14437 The English proficiency of selected University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) Freshmen SY 2010-2011 (toward a proposed enhancement of the large-class system in teaching English) English proficiency; large-class mode; small-class mode; assessment; functional syllabus; interactive language teaching

Butial-Recillo, Maria Luisa

serials up los banos journal