List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2089 The executive guide to strategic planning. strategic planning organizations mission statement financial projections integrated programs

Below, Patrick J.; Morrisey, George L.; Acomb, Betty L.


6204 The exotic marang of Mindanao and its recipes. marang Artocarpus odoratissimus fruits plant propagation recipes marmalade jelly juice flour paste jam

Hayudini, Alicia Tangonan

serials agriculture magazine

3672 The expansion of inland shrimp farming and its environmental impacts in Songkla Lake Basin. shrimp farming environmental impacts land use zoning plan soil resources water resources

Charlchai Tanavud; Chao Yongchalermchai; Abdollah Bennui; Omthip Densrisereekul

serials the kasetsart journal

10178 The experience of philosophy : General introduction to philosophy. philosophy wisdom philosophers religion logic morality political philosophy education

Articulo, Archimedes C.


14008 The extent and the poverty and gender equity impacts of technological innovation adoption among micro, small, and medium food processing enterprises in Davao Region, Philippines gender equity; impact assessment; poverty; technological innovation; SETUP; Davao

Barroga, Kenneth D.


13369 The facts: Addressing the campaign to stop the planting of oil palm trees in the Philippines oil palm; climate change; soil erosion; diversified farming

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

10890 The farm level impact of using Bt maize in Spain. biotechnology biosafety genetically modified maize Bacillus thuringiensis maize production insect resistant Bt technology

Brookes, Graham

biotech crop biotech brief, vol. iii, no. 3

2903 The farm-level impact of the Techno Gabay Program: Assessment, evidences, and implications. technology dissemination utilization knowledge sharing farmers extension workers

Aquino, Albert P.; Brown, Ernesto; Cardenas, Danilo C. (eds.)

book pcarrd book series no. 182/2011

6201 The farmers' blacksmith. blacksmith livelihood

Locara, Lorenzo P.

serials agriculture magazine

3809 The farmers' field school in Los Baños. Farmers' field school

Guerrero, Rafael D.

serials agriculture