ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2089 | The executive guide to strategic planning. | strategic planning organizations mission statement financial projections integrated programs | Below, Patrick J.; Morrisey, George L.; Acomb, Betty L. |
book |
6204 | The exotic marang of Mindanao and its recipes. | marang Artocarpus odoratissimus fruits plant propagation recipes marmalade jelly juice flour paste jam | Hayudini, Alicia Tangonan |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3672 | The expansion of inland shrimp farming and its environmental impacts in Songkla Lake Basin. | shrimp farming environmental impacts land use zoning plan soil resources water resources | Charlchai Tanavud; Chao Yongchalermchai; Abdollah Bennui; Omthip Densrisereekul |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
10178 | The experience of philosophy : General introduction to philosophy. | philosophy wisdom philosophers religion logic morality political philosophy education | Articulo, Archimedes C. |
purch |
14008 | The extent and the poverty and gender equity impacts of technological innovation adoption among micro, small, and medium food processing enterprises in Davao Region, Philippines | gender equity; impact assessment; poverty; technological innovation; SETUP; Davao | Barroga, Kenneth D. |
theses |
13369 | The facts: Addressing the campaign to stop the planting of oil palm trees in the Philippines | oil palm; climate change; soil erosion; diversified farming | Pamplona, Pablito P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10890 | The farm level impact of using Bt maize in Spain. | biotechnology biosafety genetically modified maize Bacillus thuringiensis maize production insect resistant Bt technology | Brookes, Graham |
biotech | crop biotech brief, vol. iii, no. 3 |
2903 | The farm-level impact of the Techno Gabay Program: Assessment, evidences, and implications. | technology dissemination utilization knowledge sharing farmers extension workers | Aquino, Albert P.; Brown, Ernesto; Cardenas, Danilo C. (eds.) |
book | pcarrd book series no. 182/2011 |
6201 | The farmers' blacksmith. | blacksmith livelihood | Locara, Lorenzo P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3809 | The farmers' field school in Los Baños. | Farmers' field school | Guerrero, Rafael D. |
serials | agriculture |