ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9474 | The CIRAD CD-ROM, Version 2004. | animal production agriculture urban population food supply chain agrifood technology and enterprises food quality food and nutrition policy cropping systems tropical plant genomics | cd |
9463 | The CIRAD CD-ROM, Version 2005. | life sciences and human sciences engineering sciences agriculture and food natural resource management annual crops and tree crops fruit and horticultural crops animal production and veterinary medicine forestry environment | cd |
8273 | The civet express. | coffee civet | Morente, Tricia V. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4471 | The clay pot is a practical household composter. | composter clay pot composting food wastes | serials | agriculture |
3230 | The climate and Eastern Ocean Systems Project | Fisheries, | Bakun, A. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
2243 | The clustering approach to agroenterprise development for small farmers: The CRS-Philippine experience - A guidebook for facilitators. | agroenterprise human development farmers marketing clusters | book |
2964 | The clustering approach to agroenterprsie development for small farmers: The CRS-Philippine Experience. | agroenterprise small farmers cluster strengthening market chain study cluster formation test marketing scaling up agroenterprise development network clustering approach Impasugong squash farmers | Catholic Relief Services - USCCB |
book |
18 | The coastal environment profile of Brunei Darussalam: resource assessment and management issues. | Brunei coastal waters coastal fisheries resource management geography drainage soils climate coastal resources population profile physical environment land use economic pollution legal framework coastal erosion | Chua Thia-Eng; Chuo Loke Ming; Sadorra, M.S.M. (eds.) |
book | iclarm technical reports 18 |
1020 | The coastal environmental profile in Singapore | Singapore coastal land coastal waters economic resources petroleum industry marine industry power generation fisheries aquaculture pollution tourism coastal resources coastal area management | Chia Lin Sien; Habibullah Khan; Chou Loke Ming |
book | iclarm technical reports no.21 |
414 | The coastal environmental profile of Ban Don Bay and Phangnga Bay, Thailand | land use natural resources environment fisheries aquaculture coastal resources management laws regulations population tourism Thailand | Paw, J.N.; Sirikul Bunpapong; White, A.T.; Sadorra, M.S.M. (eds.) |
book | iclarm technical reports no.20 |