List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10831 The biosafety regulatory framework in network member countries : Indonesia. biotechnology genetically modified organisms genetically engineered Indonesia biosafety regulatory


biotech isaaa briefs no. 11

10832 The biosafety regulatory framework in network member countries : Malaysia. biotechnology genetically modified organisms risk assessment risk management biosafety animal health environment

Low Fee-Chon

biotech isaaa briefs no. 11

10833 The biosafety regulatory framework in network member countries : Philippines. biotechnology genetically modified organisms NCBP Philippines biosafety human health environment

Zamora, Agnes F.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 11

10834 The biosafety regulatory framework in network member countries : Thailand. biotechnology genetically modified plants transgenic plants Thailand biosafety capacity building risk assessment

Sutat Sriwatanapongse

biotech isaaa briefs no. 11

10835 The biosafety regulatory framework in network member countries : Vietnam. biotechnology genetically modified plants transgenic plants Vietnam biosafety

Le Tran Binh

biotech isaaa briefs no. 11

500 The biosafety results of field tests of genetically modified plants and microorganisms biosafety biotechnology risk assessment

Matsui, S.; Miyazaki, S.; Kasamo, K. (eds.)

book jircas international symposium series no.5

6228 The Bohol example in vegetable production. vegetables production price

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

12199 The Bontocs and Kalingas' perception of and attitude toward the Chico River Rural Development Project in Northern Philippines. extension education Bontocs Kalingas Chico River Rural Development Project Philippines

Consolacion, Cipriano C.


6983 The booming mango industry of San Roque, Digos City. mangoes harvests income industry production

Daray, Felix B.

serials agriculture magazine

5477 The borer's nemesis. sugarcane pests of plants Trichogramma borers serials the philippine agriculture magazine