List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10355 The Boss's Survival Guide. Supervision of employees management interviews performance communication discipline termination hiring process recruiting e-mail human resources job descriptions behavioral expectations training personnel files layoffs emotional intelligence

Rosner, Bob; Halcrow, Allan; Levins, Alan


13267 The bounty of goat farming goat farming; coconut farms; income

Pamplona, Pablito P.; Pamplona, April Grace D.

serials agriculture magazine

6284 The breeding and ranching of sea cucumber in Pangasinan. sea cucumber sandfish rearing

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

838 The breeding of horticultural crops Fruit crops Vegetable crops Ornamental plants Genetic resources Plant breeding

Woo-Nang Chang; Opena, R.T.; Petersen, John Bay (eds.)

book fftc book series no.35

11098 The Bt corn field trial : Protocol and significant results. biotechnology transgenic foods genetically modifed organisms : GMOs food safety biosafety genetic engineering Bt corn National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines : NCBP YieldGard

Anolin, Virgilio R.


4348 The buzz about bees. bees, Queen bee, worker bees, drones, colony,

Ogbinar, A.O.

serials agriculture

8469 The Cagayan breeding station: A goat nucleus farm with a big mission. goat

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

12044 The calcium and phosphorus requirements of swine: weanling pigs from 10 to 20 kilogram liveweight animal nutrition calcium phosphorus swine weanling pigs

Vo Ai Quac


5105 The captive management of the Philippine little golden-mantled fruit bat (Pteropus pumilus): A conservation consortium. Pteropus pumilus conservation fruit bats animals

Seyjagat, John

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

16682 The carbon footprint of Conservation Agriculture no-till; soil erosion emissions; tillage emissions; soil organic carbon accumulation; climate change mitigation

Freitag, Maik; Friedrich, Theodor; Kassam, Amir

weblinks international journal of agricultural sustainability