List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15654 The carbon footprint of the hake supply chain in Spain: Accounting for fisheries, international transportation and domestic distribution hake; fisheries; carbon footprint; transformative changes; Spain

Aragao, Guilherme Martins; Saralegui-Díez, Pablo; Villasante, Sebastian; Lopez-Lopez, Lucia; Aguilera, Eduardo; Moranta, Joan


10394 The carrot principle: How the best managers use recognition to engage their people, retain talent, and accelerate performance. leadership; management; managers; recognition; self-image

Gostick, Adrian; Elton, Chester


6016 The case against mineral toxin binders. toxin mycotoxins feeds mycotoxin binders mycotoxin adsorbent

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

10983 The case for a GM-free sustainable world. genetically modified organisms : GMOs genetic engineering food security agroecoology sustainable agriculture organic farming transgenic crops Bt resistance pesticides agrobacterium

Mae-Wan Ho


3792 The catalytic effects of phytase enzyme phosphorus liberation from feed ingredients. phytase enzyme phosphorus broilers

Carpena, Maria Eloisa C.; Suranat Lekcharoen

serials araneta research journal

15681 The cellular and molecular studies of sperm X and sperm Y separation based on viability on extremely acidic and alkaline media alkali; acidic; embryo; fertilizing ability; sperm separation

Rini Widyastuti


12561 The certification process in organic rice production: The case of Sangthong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao People's Democratic Republic. organic rice organic agriculture organic agriculture certification rice production Lao PDR

Bouthsakone Intahlangsee


3001 The challenge of establishing REDD+ on the ground: Insights from 23 subnational initiatives in six countries. greenhouse gas emissions; forest conservation; climate change; REDD+

Sunderlin, William D.; Andini Desita Ekaputri; Sills, Erin O.; Duchelle, Amy E.; Kweka, Demetrius; Diprose, Rachael; Doggart, Nike; Ball, Steve; Lima, Rebecca; Enright, Adrian; Torres, Jorge; Hartanto, Herlina; Toniolo, Angelica


2452 The challenge of Mindoro: Report of the quick response investigation of the Mindoro island earthquake in the Philippines on 15 November 1994. earthquake fault tsunami liquefaction infrastructure relief pre-disaster measures post-disaster measures Mindoro book

2424 The challenge of production system sustainability: Long-term studies in agronomic research in dry areas : Abstracts of presentations and workshop conclusions. wheats sorghum millets cowpeas rice feed legumes grain legumes feed cereals on-farm research rainfed farming dry farming farming systems natural resources resource management pastures tillage crop residues sustainability crop yield chemicophysical properties soil cracking soil structure land management fertilizer application watersheds ley farming

Jones, M.J. (ed.)
