List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9736 Cadres of Change: Biotech Farmers in China, India, and the Philippines. biotechnology farmers biotech crops cd

2973 Cadres of change: Transforming biotech farmers in China, India and the Philippines. biotechnology agricultural crops farming biotech crops adoption uptake pathways book

11161 Caffeine & health : Clarifying the controversies. caffeine cardiovascular diseases cholesterol coronary heart disease cardiac arrhythmias breast cancer osteoporosis biotech ific review

9124 Caffeine and theobromine analysis of Paullinia yoco, a vine harvested by indigenous peoples of the upper Amazon. caffeine

Weiss, Luke M.

serials tropical resources

6270 Cagayan River Management Office created; protest on sand extraction runs on. sand extraction bivalves quarrying

Prudencio, Max

serials agriculture magazine

13403 Cagayan Valley leads way in mechanized rice direct seeding rice;

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

14517 Cage culture of rabbitfish in La Union cage culture; rabbitfish; cultured fish; income; BFAR

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

6185 Cage culture of sea urchins in La Union. sea urchins aquaculture harvesting price income

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

4632 Cage culture of talakitok in Cagayan. Caranx sp. cage culture fishes profit

Guerrero, R.D. III

serials agriculture

8509 Cage culture of Ulang. cage ulang prawn

Guerrero, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine