ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2130 | Building economic decision-making capabilities of Chinese wool textile mills. | wool textile mills cost coefficients yield coefficients weaving spinning price analysis | Brown, Colin; Waldron, Scott; Longworth, John; Zhao Yutian |
book |
9628 | Building Economic Decision-Making Capabilities of Chinese Wool Textile Mills. | Chinese wool textile mills Australian wool industry wool fiber cost management yarn weaving and spinning yields CAEG wool | Colin Brown; Scott Waldron; John Longworth; Zhao Yutian |
cd |
14898 | Building food security and managing risk in Southeast Asia | agriculture; food security; policies; food insecurity risk; agricultural innovation systems; fisheries; Southeast Asia; Indonesia; ASEAN | book |
16402 | Building global sustainability through local self-reliance: Lessons from landcare | landcare; sustainability; agricultural extension; natural resource management; renewable resources; landcare ethics; governance | Dale, Allan; Curnow, Jayne; Campbell, Andrew; Seigel, Michael (Eds) |
weblinks | aciar monograph no. 219 |
12974 | Building greenhouses for Filipino farmers, building hope | Harbest Agribusiness Corporation Protective Culture Training Program irrigation system drip irrigation | Barcelona, Arsenio |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15432 | Building horticulture value chains and reducing postharvest losses in Pakistan | horticulture; value chains; postharvest losses; potatoes; green chilies; apples; infrastructure development; Pakistan | Ghafoor, Abdul; Basher, Md. Abul; Badar, Hammad; Lee, Sangjun |
weblinks | adb briefs no. 235 |
3114 | Building inclusive economies, building a better world : A look at the APEC 2015 priority areas. | Regional Economic Integration free trade area pathways global value chains business process management labor mobility infrastructure development supply chain connectivity ICT-enabled services | book |
13144 | Building inclusive economies, building a better world: A look at the APEC 2015 priority areas - Volume 2 | small and medium enterprises; social enterprises; employment; employment creation; women; economy; entrepreneurs; food security; policy; initiatives; resilience; natural disasters; vulnerability; social protection; social welfare policies | book |
3164 | Building knowledge systems in agriculture : Five key areas for mobilising the potential of extension and advisory services. | rural advisory services advisory services capacity development | book |
5918 | Building market linkage for a more lucrative banana farming. | banana banana chips exports food industry | serials | agriculture magazine |