List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5616 Bringing out the best of Pinoy bananas in the global market. bananas marketing banana chips packaging

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

5021 Bringing the vertical dimension to the negotiating table : Preliminary assessment of a conflict resolution case in the Philippines. Preliminary assessment of a conflict resolution case in the Philippines. Conflict resolution maps negotiation process

Rambaldi, Giacomo; Bugna, Sahlee; Tiangco, Angela; De Vera, Dave

serials asean biodiversity

8452 Bringing the Zambales mango to the world. mango food safety Zambales

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

9312 Bringing up biofuel. pyrolysis system biomass

Bliss, Rosalie Marion

serials agriculture magazine

1885 Bringing water to the poor: Selected ADB case studies. water gender community participation drought infrastructure development communication water providers projects lessons learned irrigation book water for all, series 8

9627 Bringing Women from the Margin to the Mainstream of Rice Research and Technology Development : Strategies and Lessons Learned. agricultural research environment intrahousehold rural women farmers agriculture rice research technology development

Thelma Romero Paris


11138 Brittle bones : Osteoporosis education for asian-americans. osteoporosis genetics bone structure low calcium intake lactose intolerance Asians dairy products calcium fortified calcium supplements biotech reprinted from food insight, winter 1996

9997 Brock biology of microorganisms. microbiology immunology microbial diseases microorganisms epidemiology food preservation virology prokaryotic diversity wastewater treatment bacteria macromolecules cell morphology cell membranes molecular biology DNA replication DNA structure protein synthesis RNA synthesis bacterial genetics phylogeny viruses carbon and oxygen cycles foodborne diseases genetic engineering

Madigan, Michael T.; Martinko, John M.; Parker, Jack


8532 Broiler lameness may be reduced by probiotics. probiotics

Sison, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine

5777 Broilers grow faster with aloe vera extract. broilers aloe vera extracts drinking water weight nutritional value uses

Dela Cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine